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Show Off and feel good about it

PrintShowing off sometimes has a negative touch. Not this one. SHOW OFF at Mix09!

At MIX09, we’re hosting what will be yet another world famous Show Off event. If you’ve ever wanted to put the smack down on lesser mortals, flex your brain, and get everyone to gloat at your—deservedly—awe-inspiring work, this is what might be called a prime opportunity. We want you to inspire others with your unique software, tip, tool, technique, animation, or anything else we can’t think of. All you need to do is create a short, 3-minute-or-less video demonstrating what you want to show off.

If you don't have anything to submit, we still want all MIX09 attendees to cheer on their peers in recognition of their fantastic work. This is all about excitement, and we’ll have theater-style “food” to keep the energy going. And there will be prizes. Oh yes…fabulous prizes await. PRIZES: Three (3) Grand Prizes of $500 USD pre-paid Visa card.


Mix09 Show Off Rules
I know  what I am doing and agree to the terms and conditions and want to submit a video
