Virtual PC and Virtual Server verison numbers as well as additions
Have you ever tried to figure out if you had the latest VM additions installed on all your Virtual Guests?
This week I was at a customer site reviewing a Virtual Server 2005 R2 Deployment. At the customer site they had a mix of VM additions installed across the estate and no easy way of determining what the correct version numbers were. The first thing I needed was a list of VM addition numbers. This was provide to me by Brian Randell
Virtual PC and Virtual Server verison numbers as well as additions.
Someone asked today so I thought I'd share it here too.
Virtual PC 2004 | | 13.040 |
Virtual Server 2005 | 1.1.465.0 | 13.206 |
Virtual PC 2004 SP1 | 5.3.582.27 | 13.306 |
Virtual PC 2004 SP1 | 5.3.582.32 | 13.306 |
Virtual Server 2005 | SP1 Beta | 13.518 |
Additions Download Only | Windows Server 2003 SP1 Support | 13.531 |
Virtual Server 2005 R2 | 1.1.465.292 EE R2 | 13.552 |
Additions Download Only | Vista Beta 2 Support | 13.709 |
Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 | 1.1.531.0 EE R2 SP1 | 13.715 |
Virtual PC 2007 | | 13.724 |
Virtual PC 2007 | | 13.800 |
Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 | 1.1.603.0 EE R2 SP1 | 13.813 |
Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 Update | 1.1.653.0 EE R2 SP1 | 13.820 |
Virtual PC 2007 SP1 | | 13.820 |
Next thing I needed to do was create a vbs script to query the virual server and output to an HTML table. I have posted the script here. I have tested this on Windows 2003 and Virtual Server 2005 R2 Sp1. This code work on all Virtual Server versions. I have not tested on Hyper-V yet. My plan is to write a PowerShell script for Hyper-v. Enjoy!
<---Code Snipit---->
' Example Html table code from Name: WriteHTMLBrowser.vbs
' Author: Neal Walters
' Name: getadditions.vbs
' Author: Duane Thomas
'This code is provided as is. No support is provided. Use at your own risk.
' Thanks Neal Walters for the html table code example.
On Error Resume Next
dim myfilename, fso, oshell, forReading, forWriting
dim path, program, fullProgName, myTextStream, ynCreate
dim obj
Set objVS = CreateObject("VirtualServer.Application")
set colVMs = objVS.VirtualMachines
Set objGuestOS = objVM.GuestOS
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set oshell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
myfilename = "c:\vmaddition.html"
forReading = 1: forWriting = 2: ynCreate = 1
set myTextStream = fso.OpenTextFile(myfilename,forWriting,ynCreate)
myTextStream.Write "<h1>Virtual Machine Additions</H1>"
myTextStream.Write "<table border=1 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=3>" & vbcrlf
myTextStream.Write "<tr>" & vbcrlf
myTextStream.Write "<th>Name</td>" & vbcrlf
myTextStream.Write "<th>Guest OS</td>" & vbcrlf
myTextStream.Write "<th>VM Addition Version</td>" & vbcrlf
myTextStream.Write "</tr>" & vbcrlf
For Each objVM in colVMS
myTextStream.Write "<tr>" & vbcrlf
myTextStream.Write "<td>" & objVM.Name & "</td>" & vbcrlf
myTextStream.Write "<td>" & objvm.GuestOS.OSName & "</td>" & vbcrlf
myTextStream.Write "<td>" & objvm.GuestOS.AdditionsVersion & "</td>" & vbcrlf
myTextStream.Write "</tr>" & vbcrlf
myTextStream.Write "</table>" & vbcrlf
'path = "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer"
program = "IEXPLORE"
'FullProgname = path & "\" & program
'WScript.Echo FullProgname
'OShell.Run (program)
OShell.Run (program & " " & myfilename)
<---Code Snipit---->
January 01, 2003
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October 12, 2008
Is there a new VPC/Virtual Server version coming out soon? What is the strategy?Anonymous
November 23, 2008
Must have: , <a href=""">">nice">"">">nice cute girls</a>, [url=""">"]nice cute girls[/url], nice cute girls,Anonymous
August 07, 2009
Yeah, cool script! But anyone can find out the version of the VM additions by clicking on Properties of the running VM in its first tab.