Beta 4.5 - John Sheehan / Microsoft App-V 4.5 Features
I stumbled across this today! Its a cool little video of John Sheehan TechEd giving a break down of all the great 4.5 Beta Features! If you have never had the time to play with 4.5 than this Video may suite you better as it gives you a great overview without you having to do anything!
You may need to log in with your live passport ID ....... but we all have one :o)
January 01, 2003
If you're a regular reader of the SoftGrid, err, uhh, Microsoft Application Virtualization blog hereAnonymous
January 01, 2003
Justin Zarb recently blogged about a video he found from a TechEd session where John Sheehan gave an overview of the new features in SoftGrid / MAV 4.5. I'd love to give all sort of nice comment ...