Barclay's go live in London with Microsoft Surface
So, quite rightly Mr Zarb has bent my ear hard, and for those who know me that’s a lot or ear to bend. So New Year which means that I will be picking up the blogging effort. To add some variety to the blog itself I will be covering topics outside of virtualization as well as virtualization topic’s also.
In addition I have been hooked on twitter for the past couple of months. So read more on what I am up to by following me here on twitter
So why is Barclay’s interesting, a couple of things its the first Banking use of Microsoft Surface here in the UK and secondly its a project that I worked on :) so if your London based check it out at the Barclay’s Piccadilly branch.
Full press coverage can be found here:
Customer quote: Mike Amato, chief distribution and product officer for Barclays, says: "We have taken inspiration from retailers such as Apple and Nike and developed a space that attracts and engages individuals whilst conveying what the Barclays brand represents
Typical they had to get a reference in around Apple.
- Anonymous
January 08, 2009
I was wondering whether this had become Mr Zarb's blog. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts Mr B.