Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Release Candidate now available
You can download Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Release Candidate right now – from here:
As well as including the usual bug fixes, etc… there are some specific changes for dynamic memory in there:
- User interface changes in response to feedback we received from beta testers
- Support for dynamic memory on Standard & Web editions of Windows Server
I will post more about this later, but I am home sick today (nursing a cold) and now I need to get all of my servers updated to the official release candidate build
October 26, 2010
Wishing you a speedy recovery and look forward to reading about the changes - particularly the UI ones - I'll see if I can spot them first :o) Cheers JansonAnonymous
October 27, 2010
When trying to install this update, I'm getting the message: This update is not applicable to your computer.Anonymous
October 28, 2010
Janson - thanks! Itzik - what are you running on your computer? Cheers, BenAnonymous
October 28, 2010
Ben - windows server 2008 r2, both on virtual PC and on real one, just after installation and before installing any update, and after install the windows updates. In all I get the same error.Anonymous
November 01, 2010
Itzik - Do you have the SP1 beta installed? If you do you will need to uninstall it first. Cheers, BenAnonymous
November 15, 2010
Drink more water and thank you for your info.