Windows Workflow Foundation Web Workflow Approvals Starter Kit
This starter kit is a Visual Studio 2005 project that demonstrates using Windows Workflow Foundation for simple task oriented workflow in an ASP.NET web application in a minimal number of lines of code. A workflow model is used to automate work order requests at a small example company. It includes three pre-defined roles which each play a part in the work order creation, approval and monitoring. The starter kit may be modified for other workflow models to suit other small web based task management systems.
This starter kit can be downloaded from MSDN here. Once installed you can create a new project from the template and press F5 to start the application. This is a great way to try out workflow enabled applications yourself.
This shows the home page for a logged in user. You can see workflow instances in progress that are assigned to this users role.
April 07, 2007
What a name... "Windows Workflow Foundation Web Workflow Approvals Starter Kit" or "WWFWWASK" for short.Anonymous
April 07, 2007
Totally agree - a name that needs a pause to take a breath!Anonymous
April 08, 2007
Will be WF Starter Kits a reality?Anonymous
April 08, 2007
On me demande régulièrement des exemples d’utilisation de Workflow Foundation dans des applications ASP.NETAnonymous
April 28, 2007
Better late than never... I have combined the last 3 weeks. In the pipeline: So much is in the pipeline