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Slides and resources for TechED presentations about debugging .NET issues with Windbg

I still have to figure out a way to host the video from the break-out session but until then, here are the slides for my presentations (attached).

And here are a list of some of the tools and resources I used for the presentations

Tool/Resource Comment Download Link
Debugging Tools for windows Windbg, adplus etc. https://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/default.mspx
Debug Diag 1.1 Analyzes dumps, good for native memory leaks https://www.microsoft.com/DOWNLOADS/details.aspx?FamilyID=28bd5941-c458-46f1-b24d-f60151d875a3&displaylang=en
Cmdtree Command and textfile to get a treeview with commands in windbg https://www.wintellect.com/CS/blogs/jrobbins/archive/2008/09/17/windbg-cmdtree-file-that-eases-some-sos-pain.aspx
Tinyget Poor mans stresstest (sends httprequests) https://support.microsoft.com/kb/840671
Using SOS in Visual studio   https://blogs.msdn.com/tess/archive/2007/10/19/net-finalizer-memory-leak-debugging-with-sos-dll-in-visual-studio.aspx
Reflector Show code when you just have the dll https://www.red-gate.com/products/reflector/
Viewstate decoder Decodes viewstate from dumps or “view source” https://www.pluralsight.com/toolcontent/ViewStateDecoder21.zip
Buggy bits labs Hands on Labs to learn .net debugging with windbg https://blogs.msdn.com/tess/pages/net-debugging-demos-information-and-setup-instructions.aspx
John Robbins debugging book Best book ever about .net debugging https://www.microsoft.com/MSpress/books/8650.aspx
SOS Assist GUI for dump debugging https://www.thinktecture.com/SOSAssist
Process explorer Task manager on steroids… Make sure to have a look at Mark Russinovich’s video “The case of the unexplained” under related links https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx
Process monitor Regmon, filemon etc. packed into one tool… https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx

Have fun,


Common ASP.NET Production Issues-rev.pptx


  • Anonymous
    November 20, 2008
    PingBack from http://blog.a-foton.ru/index.php/2008/11/21/slides-and-resources-for-teched-presentations-about-debugging-net-issues-with-windbg/

  • Anonymous
    November 21, 2008
    Hi Tess, Thanks for posting this compilation of resources! I wonder, though - the description for Process Explorer seems to more closely match that for Process Monitor...

  • Anonymous
    November 21, 2008
    sorry, meant to add both to the list and typed to fast:)  adding process monitor now

  • Anonymous
    November 23, 2008
    Hi Tess, very nice compilation of tools. I had just a look at DebugDiag. Since I am developing on the x64 platform I would need a 64-bit version of it. So far I have not found it. Is a 64-bit version available? Yours,   Alois Kraus

  • Anonymous
    November 23, 2008
    There is one in the works, but I dont think it is publicly downloadable yet. If you are running 32bit IIS you should use the 32-bit one though even if you are on a 64bit platform

  • Anonymous
    November 23, 2008
    Jag har vid ett antal tillfällen fått hjälp av en talarcoach på Microsoft, hon är

  • Anonymous
    November 24, 2008
    .NET Redirecting without the exceptions So, what’s new in the CLR 4.0 GC? Source Control for Visual

  • Anonymous
    November 28, 2008
    Hi, Tess, thanks for your posting. Yes, it's my need :)