Microsoft Best Practice Analiz araçları
Best Practice analiz araçlari, Microsoft tarafindan yayinlanan ve ücretsiz dagitilan ve Microsoft platformunuzun genel sagligini degerlendirmede size yardimci olmayi hedefleyen araçlardir. Bu araçlar serverlarinizda read-only taramalar gerçeklestirerek Microsoft'un önerdigi best practice'lere uygun olmayabilecek durumlari size raporlar. Bu araçlarin rutin bakim operasyonlarinda periyodik olarak çalistirilmasi önerilir. Alttaki linklerde çesitli ürünler ve konulara ayrilmis halde ilgili araçlara dair makale ve download sayfalarina ulasabilirsiniz.
Windows Server (PAL, DHCP, Hyper-V, WSUS, Active Directory, Remote Desktop, File Services, DNS araçlarini da içerir)
- Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL) Tool (Performance monitor counter loglarini tarayip bilinen esikleri kullanarak analiz yapar)
- Best Practices Analyzer for DHCP Server for Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition
- Best Practices Analyzer for HYPER-V for Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition
- Best Practices Analyzer for Application Server for Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition
- Best Practices Analyzer for Windows Server Update Services for Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition
- Remote Desktop Services Best Practice Analyzer for Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition
- Best Practices Analyzer for File Services for Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition
- Microsoft DNS (Domain Name System) Model for Microsoft Baseline Configuration Analyzer 2.0
- SQL Server 2005 Best Practices Analyzer
- SQL Server® 2008/R2 Best Practices Analyzer
Exchange & Unified Communications
- Microsoft Exchange Best Practices Analyzer v2.8
- Office Communications Server 2007 Best Practices Analyzer
, Project Server and Office System
- Microsoft Best Practices Analyzer for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and the 2007 Microsoft Office System (Project Server 2007'i de içerir)
Forefront , ISA and Security
- Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server Best Practices Analyzer Tool
- Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2010 Best Practices Analyzer Tool
- Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway Best Practices Analyzer Tool
- Microsoft Forefront Client Security BPA
- Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Foundation Server Power Tools with TFS BPA
- Team Foundation Server 2010 Beta 2 Best Practices Analyzer
- Best Practice Analyzer for ASP.NET
- Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer
- Extended Security Update Inventory Tool
Çesitli (Small Business Server, Mobile Device Manager, Commerce Server, Biztalk)
- Windows Small Business Server 2003 Best Practices Anaylzer
- Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011 Best Practices Analyzer
- Microsoft System Center Mobile Device Manager 2008 Resource Kit - Best Practices Analyzer