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祖聖老師的 - windows server 2008 (Longhorn) On-Demand Session 開放了!


這是五月底請 曹祖聖老師 替 軟體開發夥伴提供 Beta 階段的四天深入 Windows Server 2008 ("Longhorn") 的開發與架構技術訓練 總部老外終於把錄影結果整理出來了 教學過程全程中文 !!!

認真的軟體人不應該漏掉 保證有料

Session 1: Windows Communication Foundation Labcast
In this lab you will work with the DinnerNow application to build and consume services created with Windows Communication Foundation. You will get the chance to build both services and clients while learning about the security and manageability features of Windows Communication Foundation. In addition, you will also see how the Windows Communication Foundation provides a single, unified communications API by also building a Plain Old XML (POX) service that returns data for HTTP Get requests.

Session 2: Windows Workflow Foundation Labcast
In this lab you will get an introduction to Windows Workflow Foundation by examining, modifying and extending the workflow components of the DinnerNow sample solution. You will create custom activities, manage workflow persistence and tracking, and take some time to understand how Windows Workflow Foundation was applied in this application.

Session 3: Windows Eventing Labcast
In this lab you will learn how to take advantage to the new improvements to the event logging, viewing and management features in Windows Server “Longhorn”. You will learn how to create event manifests for your application, use tools for compiling and installing event information, and how to use the APIs to write events. In addition, you will learn about some of the improvements to the Windows Event Viewer to simplify querying and viewing events in Windows. This lab is based on the DinnerNow sample scenario.

Session 4: Windows PowerShell and MMC Labcast
In this lab you will learn about two powerful management technologies that encompass both the command line and graphical user interface (GUI). Windows PowerShell is the new command shell and scripting language from Microsoft that helps IT professionals and developers achieve greater productivity. In this lab, you will write cmdlets for Windows PowerShell which will allow an operator to retrieve workflow data from the workflow tracking system. In addition, you will build a snapin for the Microsoft Management Console 3.0 (MMC) using managed code. Version 3.0 of MMC has greatly improved the managed code model for building management consoles or your applications and services. This lab is based on the DinnerNow sample scenario.

Session 5: IIS 7.0 Labcast
In this lab you will learn about the new features of the latest version of Internet Information Services available in Windows Server “Longhorn”. Taking advantage of IIS 7 modularity, extensibility, and .NET integration – you will create a new managed handler as well as extend the IIS 7 user interface to configure the handler’s actions. In addition, you will see how to use built IIS7’s built in tracing and diagnostics to see the events in the http request processing pipeline, using the DinnerNow sample scenario.

Session 6: Windows CardSpace Labcast
In this lab you will get an introduction to Windows CardSpace and see how you can integrate information card support into your web applications. Information cards provide an alternative to the authentication methods used today and a new model for managing your digital identity. CardSpace is the software that enables you to manage and select information cards. This lab will show you how to integrate CardSpace using the DinnerNow sample application as a scenario.

Session 7: Transactional File System Labcast
In this lab you will get a chance to work hands on with the new transactional file system in Windows Server “Longhorn”. In the past, it was extremely difficult to ensure consistency between work done on the file system and work done with transactional resources such as SQL Server or Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ). Systems that manage documents or files along with other data, often had a tendency to become inconsistent. You will get a chance to see how you can now move, create, copy, etc. files right within the TransactionScope in your .NET code and ensure that when the transaction commits or rolls back, your file operation has completed or reverted as expected. This lab is based on the DinnerNow sample scenario.

Session 8: Virtualization
In this lecture, you will learn about how you can leverage Virtual Server 2005 R2 in your existing infrastructure, and what you will possibly gain by doing so. You will also learn about Microsoft’s new virtualization offering, Windows Virtualization and what enhancements it will bring to Microsoft’s virtualization platform.

Session 9: High Performance Computing
In this lecture, you will learn about Microsoft’s product offering in the world of High Performance Computing: Compute Cluster Server. You will find out what CCS is, why you should care about it, and how you can use it to build highly scalable and performant applications and systems.