Could the U.S. Army use Microsoft Surface?
A couple weeks back, Microsoft held an Army Symposium to have a two-way conversation with with Army IT community around their specialized needs. I crashed the event with Larry Larsen from Channel 10 because we heard there was a Microsoft Surface unit there. Sure enough, just down from the latte cart, there was Josh Wall from Information Strategies (InfoStrat) showing off some cool tech on Microsoft Surface. Larry captured the interview on video below.
- Eric
March 09, 2009
Yes... but portability???????? http://www.microsoftsurfaces.comAnonymous
March 11, 2009
Not all situations require portability. If you require portability, then tablet PCs and mobile is your answer. New touch capabilities will be arriving with Windows 7. As for Microsoft Surface, it allows for collaboration that you just can't get out of a mobile device.