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Explication VISUELLE des Jointures SQL...

Si vous êtes un peu perdu entre les INNER, OUTER ou FULL Join, voici un message qui essaye de résumer visuellement l'ensemble :

image Venn diagram of SQL inner join

La suite ici : https://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000976.html 


Attention a prendre toutefois avec précaution car l'exemple inclus des tables avec une valeur unique par clé :

I think your illustrations make one BIG assumption: Table A and Table B contain unique rows. If either table contained duplicate matching records, then the whole Venn diagram will not hold (the cardinality of the sets will not add up). I am afraid this visual explanation will lead some to think that you can use SQL joins to do filter operations which shouldn't be done this way.

Although it's nice attempt to explain SQL joins, overall I think it is misleading