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Wolf's Witterings

Mike "Wolf" Gilbert expresses his views on Enterprise Architecture


In my last blog entry I posited that an intuitive way to think of SOA was as the über-container; an...

Date: 05/05/2008

SOA as the Uber-Container?

Almost since the beginning of computer programming, there have been containers. I grant you that the...

Date: 04/17/2008

Where'd the Service go? (or why I'm tempted to short DirecTV's stock)

Companies thrive or die based on V-C. By V I mean the Value they provide to the customer, by C I...

Date: 10/01/2007

The Revenge of the Typewriter

I haven’t written anything for my blog for sometime now, other matters have been taking my full...

Date: 03/21/2005

A Chance to Meet the Guru’s!

A friend of mine alerted me to a course being put on in Redmond by PluralSight. For those of you who...

Date: 01/28/2005

A Comparison of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Event Driven Architecture (EDA)

I was in a conversation with one of my clients the other day when he casually asked me, “So what are...

Date: 01/21/2005

What Lessons Can An Old Typewriter Teach Us?

It was a bright sunny afternoon in early January, the sun was shining in a blue sky with just the...

Date: 01/10/2005

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) - what’s the point?

Of all the questions I get asked these days, the most often asked and most difficult to answer is...

Date: 01/03/2005