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Microsoft Premier Workshop: Active Directory Troubleshooting


Der viertägige Active Directory Troubleshooting Workshop vermittelt den Teilnehmern die erforderlichen Kenntnisse um erfolgreich Probleme in der Active Directory Struktur zu verstehen und zu beheben, einschließlich AD übergreifende Dienste und Funktionen wie DNS-Probleme, Anmeldefehler, Active Directory-Replikationsfehlern sowie FRS und DFSR. Die Teilnehmer lernen Strategien, die zur schnellere Fehlerbehebung mit entsprechenden Tools angewendet werden können. Praktische Übungen verstärken diese wichtige Erkenntnisse. Der Themenbereich zur Erstellung eines allgemeinen Desaster Recovery Plans ist nicht enthalten!


• Module 1: Introduction to Active Directory Troubleshooting
Introduces the basic methodology for troubleshooting Active Directory issues

• Module 2: Troubleshooting Critical Services and Flexible Single Master Scenarios
Introduces students to the Active Directory Critical services. The module covers FSMO roles and key troubleshooting scenarios.

• Module 3: Troubleshooting Active Directory Issues Related to DNS
Explains why AD is reliant on DNS and covers what AD administrators need to know about how AD uses DNS  including the symptoms, causes, and resolution to DNS problems.
Note: this workshop assumes the student is already familiar with DNS.

• Module 4: Troubleshooting Client Logon and Authentication
Guides students through common logon scenarios for client logon and authentication issues, including Secure Channel, Kerberos, and Token size problems. The module also covers auditing AD and delegation of administration.

• Module 5: Troubleshooting Active Directory Replication
Focuses on the replication topology and the tools and methods used to diagnose and resolve AD replication issues. A wide range of troubleshooting scenarios are discussed along with solutions. The module builds on the troubleshooting tools covered in previous modules. RODC replication and troubleshooting are explained. There is an in-depth discussion of common issues with USN Rollback, Lingering Objects, Secure Channels and trusts.

• Module 6: Troubleshooting FRS and DFSR
Covers the role of DFSR in an Active Directory domain and the replication process. The module discusses a range of troubleshooting scenarios, tools, and solutions for DFSR.

• Module 7 (Optional, as time allows): Troubleshooting Domain Controller Performance
The module identifies operating system performance and hardware issues.
Third-party drivers and agents issues are discussed. Performance troubleshooting tools are introduced and explained. To reinforce learning, many common troubleshooting scenarios are introduced and discussed in depth
IT-Systemadministratoren, IT-Techniker, IT-Berater, IT-Infrastrukturarchitekten, Projektmanager

Level 300
(Level Skala: 100= Strategisch/ 200= technischer Überblick/ 300=tiefe Fachkenntnisse/  400= technisches Expertenwissen

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