Sample chapter: How to Use OneNote to Store Information in Digital Notebooks on Your iPad
This chapter from Microsoft Office for iPad Step by Step guides you through procedures related to creating and opening notebooks, adding sections to notebooks, adding pages to sections, adding content to pages, managing notebook content, and closing notebooks in OneNote.
In this chapter
- Create, open, and close notebooks
- Configure notebook storage structure
- Add information to notebooks
- Manage pages and sections
OneNote is a very useful program that you can use to store many types of information and then access that information from any device. OneNote is equally useful for home and business purposes and is available for a wide variety of computer, tablet, and smartphone systems.
After you spend a short time using OneNote for iPad, you’ll undoubtedly find it a convenient way to store many types of information, such as task lists, itineraries, frequent flyer accounts, supplier contact information, meeting notes, research findings, technical data, and printouts of contracts, receipts, and other documents you want to archive for future reference.
Read the rest of the chapter here.