Free ebook: Microsoft System Center: Network Virtualization and Cloud Computing
We’re happy to announce the next free ebook in our System Center series - Microsoft System Center: Network Virtualization and Cloud Computing – by series editor, Mitch Tulloch with Nader Benmessaoud, CJ Williams, and Uma Mahesh Mudigonda.
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Or download all formats (PDF, Mobi and ePub) at the Microsoft Virtual Academy .
As businesses move more toward cloud computing, one important factor for success is adopting multi-tenant software-defined networking (SDN) solutions in data centers. Hyper-V Network Virtualization (HNV) is a key enabler for a multi-tenant SDN solution and is essential for implementing a hybrid cloud environment where tenants can bring not only their own IPs, but their entire network topology since the virtualized networks are abstracted from the underlying fabric network. Network virtualization in general and Hyper-V Network Virtualization in particular are relatively new concepts. Unlike server virtualization, which is a mature, widely-understood technology, network virtualization still lacks this kind of broad familiarity.
This brief book identifies some key usage and deployment scenarios for cloud computing to provide some deep technical background on the Microsoft SDN solution, enabling IT professionals to quickly learn the internals of HNV, how it works from end to end, and where and how it should be used.
The authors would like to thank the following individuals for their assistance during our work on this title:
Amit Kumar, Senior SDET, Windows Azure Networking
Charley Wen, Program Manager, Windows Core Networking
Luis Martinez Castillo, Senior SDET, Windows Core Networking
Praveen Balasubramanian, Senior SDE, Windows Core Networking
Ramandeep Singh Dhillon, Program Manager Windows Server Networking
February 10, 2016
link to download not workingAnonymous
February 10, 2016
Hi Pietr- The download link works, but you need to scroll down to the correct book. It is toward the middle/bottom part of the page because it's from March 2014. Or you can download the PDF directly here:
May 01, 2016
May 12, 2016