Free ebook: Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2014
We’re pleased to announce our next free ebook – Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2014 – by Ross Mistry and Stacia Misner.
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Microsoft SQL Server 2014 is the next generation of Microsoft’s information platform, with new features that deliver faster performance, expand capabilities in the cloud, and provide powerful business insights. In this book, we explain how SQL Server 2014 incorporates in-memory technology to boost performance in online transactional processing (OLTP) and data-warehouse solutions. We also describe how it eases the transition from on-premises solutions to the cloud with added support for hybrid environments. SQL Server 2014 continues to include components that support analysis, although no major new features for business intelligence were included in this release. However, several advances of note have been made in related technologies such as Microsoft Excel 2013, Power BI for Office 365, HDInsight, and PolyBase, and we describe these advances in this book as well.
Who should read this book?
This book is for anyone who has an interest in SQL Server 2014 and wants to understand its capabilities. Many new improvements have been made to SQL Server 2014, but in a book of this size we cannot cover every improvement in its entirety—or cover every feature that distinguishes SQL Server from other databases or SQL Server 2014 from previous versions. Consequently, we assume that you have some familiarity with SQL Server already. You might be a database administrator (DBA), an application developer, a business intelligence solution architect, a power user, or a technical decision maker. Regardless of your role, we hope that you can use this book to discover the features in SQL Server 2014 that are most beneficial to you.
April 07, 2014
I don't see a link to the companion content for this book. I see it for other books on the page, but not for this one. Can you please provide it? Thanks!Anonymous
April 07, 2014
Hi, Kalen! This free ebook does not come with companion content. Not all free ebooks have companion content, and the 2012 version of this ebook also didn't.Anonymous
April 26, 2014
Thank you for help and assistanceAnonymous
May 01, 2014
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 01, 2014
@Willaim Matondo - Thank you for your comment. When we produce these free ebooks, the budget does not go far enough to cover translations. Perhaps a French publisher will want to license the book for localization into French.- Anonymous
March 28, 2016
Why don't you try a program like pdf it's self or ms word, or a ocr (optical character recognition) that might have a translator in it. I think PDF has a translator worth a try for other readers of this issue.
- Anonymous
May 06, 2014
can it be made available on the Apple App Store?Anonymous
October 02, 2014
باسلام تمام کنابهای شمارا تمجید میکنم ازتمام استادان وکارکنان صمیمانه تشکر مینمایم م کتابهای شماواقعا مفید و فاقد هر گونه عیب میباشد . ابراهیم زارع منصفAnonymous
October 06, 2014
The link to the ebook is goes to general page on, searched using the ebook title only results in other ebook and not the actual ebook.Anonymous
October 07, 2014
Wilfredo - if you scroll down that free ebooks page, you'll find the SQL Server 2014 ebook. It's near the bottom of the page.Anonymous
February 02, 2015
February 12, 2015
sir password do changr but before passaword forgetAnonymous
May 11, 2015
I have a COSN hosting partner who would like to market this to customers and wanted to know if we could get source files for the e-book or if they could add their branding to it. Any guidance would be great as I emailed my question to the press team a few weeks ago, which has not been returned. Thank you!Anonymous
July 02, 2015
Kim - your reply to Wilfredo is no longer correct. Of the 29 ebooks currently available on the linked page, none are about SQL Server, so it seems to have been pushed off the list by newer releases. Furthermore, the Microsoft Press Store refers me back to the same linked page if I want the free ebook. It's willing to sell me the paper edition, though. Strangely, the ebook is available under "Companion Content" from the Press Store page at
July 06, 2015
@Mark - Hi. We recently managed a redesign of the free ebooks page on Microsoft Virtual Academy. I just scrolled through the page and the SQL Server 2014 book is still there. -KimAnonymous
July 16, 2015
@Mark -> Please use the filter option and select SQL server -> Issue solved.Anonymous
July 30, 2015
What is the Release goog for Evolution DatabaseAnonymous
August 01, 2015
I think it would be good to release a sequel for the SQL Server 2016 version.Anonymous
October 25, 2015
با سلام اگر میشد کتاب های فارسی رو هم تنظیم میکردین عالی میشد. علی حجتیAnonymous
March 21, 2016
I developed a database for my organization with MS SQL Server 2003 in 2005.What is the major difference between SQL Server 2014 and the previous version I used?Anonymous
March 23, 2016
this book in like libery work bookAnonymous
April 22, 2016
Thank you.Anonymous
May 12, 2016
May 13, 2016
I hope the ebook can have other languages editions, such as Chinese Simplified.Anonymous
May 19, 2016
May 24, 2016
Very Good...Anonymous
June 02, 2016
obrigado por baixar SQL Server 2014.Anonymous
June 22, 2016
Hi there,Please is there a version of this book that's designed for absolute beginners?Anonymous
January 01, 2017
solo english no existe el idioma español que jartera