LCS 2005 SP1 book available for download
For those of your that subscribe via RSS to my blog you might notice an increase in the number of postings I do this week, the reason for this is that I was away last week at a training event in Seattle and therefore my blog has got a little behind. On with the first post then!
If like me, you have a long flight somewhere and need to entertain yourself for a few hours then I highly recommend downloading the new LCS 2005 SP1 book here or getting it from your local library. I started reading this book on my flight back from Seattle but fell asleep before completing it. I would like to clarify it was the few bottles of wine, some melatonin and my new Bose QuietComfort2 that made me snooze ... not the book !
This book is a great read for anyone technical starting to get to grips with LCS and would make great revision material for anyone looking to take the exam sometime soon.