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Snow Day in Redmond

Today there was a major storm in the Puget Sound area -- lots of snow, on top of ice that's formed over the last few days. I, along with quite a few of my co-workers, worked from home today. There was lots of angst, as you can probably imagine, as everyone who didn't go in tried to RAS in or use OWA. Me, I just left email open, and let mail update when it could. (I still love RPC over HTTP!) It was a slow email day, which was good; I'm making some progress on the huge number of emails I have in my inbox. As I talked with my co-workers via messenger, I realized that there was a difference here -- in other groups I've worked in, a snow day would have been a welcome excuse to slack off. My MSDN compadres are all stressed about not being able to work -- I love these guys and gals. (Well I should be more clear, some brave and dedicated souls like Kent and Shawn actually did go in today!)

During a break today my son and I played in the snow with one of our dogs. Here's a pic of Jordy catching a snowball (click on the thumbnail to see the larger image).

  There are a few more of my snow photos from today at https://www.fotolog.net/ljsky.

Originally posted to my temporary blog home at https://www.geekswithblogs.net/lauraj