A Snowy Day...
Well, yesterday was "fun". I left work at 5PM and got home at 10PM (to be fair, we stopped for dinner for an hour or so in the middle).
ON THE other hand, this is what I see outside our front door this morning:
What I see from my window right now:
Across the street:
I love snow days :)
January 11, 2007
There's a reason I worked from home yesterday. :)Anonymous
January 11, 2007
pretty much the same here in (Sandy) Utah, it has been snowing all morning long up til now (1:30), no stopAnonymous
January 11, 2007
It "only" took me about three hours to get home last night, from the International District to the Woodinville area. No stops for dinner, though. I posted some pictures from our neighborhood on my blog.Anonymous
January 11, 2007
Cool. And here in New York, we haven't gotten a fleck of it yet this winter. I only worry that it's all waiting to dump on us at once.Anonymous
January 11, 2007
Wow, those pictures are so pretty! Although considering your 4 hr commute, you may not appreciate snow as much as I do :)Anonymous
January 12, 2007
About the same amount as we have here in southern Norway (Little snow this year, my first xmas without snow)Anonymous
January 12, 2007
Snow days??? Here in upstate NY, that's not even worth a snow minute! :-) KenAnonymous
January 12, 2007
Ken, I grew up in Albany. I know about upstate snow. This is twice so far this fall/winter that we've had 6+ inches of snow, IIRC you guys have barely had any (heck, December was in the 60s for you guys).Anonymous
January 13, 2007
Wow Larry. Here in Germany, when we usually have snow around just now we are having 10-13 C My kids keep asking when the snow will be arriving.