FastMutex 의 동작방식
FastMutex 는 초기화 시에 count 값이 1으로 설정되고 동기화를 위한 동기 Event 하나를 생성한다. Acuier 하게 되면 Count 값이 1 감소하고 이 값이 0 이면 Mutex 를 얻게되고 0 이 아닐 경우 Wait 에서 대기하게 된다. Release 에서는 Count 값을 1 증가 시킨다.
typedef struct _FAST_MUTEX {
#define FM_LOCK_BIT 0x1 // Actual lock bit, 1 = Unlocked, 0 = Locked
#define FM_LOCK_BIT_V 0x0 // Lock bit as a bit number
#define FM_LOCK_WAITER_WOKEN 0x2 // A single waiter has been woken to acquire this lock
#define FM_LOCK_WAITER_INC 0x4 // Increment value to change the waiters count
volatile LONG Count;
ULONG Contention;
ULONG OldIrql;
ExInitializeFastMutex (
__out PFAST_MUTEX FastMutex
FastMutex->Count = FM_LOCK_BIT;
FastMutex->Owner = NULL;
FastMutex->Contention = 0;
KeInitializeEvent(&FastMutex->Gate, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE);
3: kd> uf ExAcquireFastMutex
hal!ExAcquireFastMutex [..\..\halmps\i386\mpspin.asm @ 401]:
401 80065600 a18000feff mov eax,dword ptr ds:[FFFE0080h]
404 80065605 c7058000feff3d000000 mov dword ptr ds:[0FFFE0080h],3Dh
406 8006560f f0ff09 lock dec dword ptr [ecx]
407 80065612 7419 je hal!ExAcquireFastMutex+0x2d (8006562d)
hal!ExAcquireFastMutex+0x14 [..\..\halmps\i386\mpspin.asm @ 409]:
409 80065614 ff4108 inc dword ptr [ecx+8]
412 80065617 51 push ecx
413 80065618 50 push eax
414 80065619 83c10c add ecx,0Ch
415 8006561c 6a00 push 0
415 8006561e 6a00 push 0
415 80065620 6a00 push 0
415 80065622 6a00 push 0
415 80065624 51 push ecx
415 80065625 ff1574230680 call dword ptr [hal!_imp__KeWaitForSingleObject (80062374)]
416 8006562b 58 pop eax
417 8006562c 59 pop ecx
hal!ExAcquireFastMutex+0x2d [..\..\halmps\i386\mpspin.asm @ 421]:
421 8006562d 88411c mov byte ptr [ecx+1Ch],al
430 80065630 896104 mov dword ptr [ecx+4],esp
431 80065633 c3 ret
3: kd> uf ExReleaseFastMutex
hal!ExReleaseFastMutex [..\..\halmps\i386\mpspin.asm @ 458]:
458 80065634 33c0 xor eax,eax
461 80065636 8a411c mov al,byte ptr [ecx+1Ch]
463 80065639 f0830101 lock add dword ptr [ecx],1
464 8006563d 7802 js hal!ExReleaseFastMutex+0xd (80065641)
hal!ExReleaseFastMutex+0xb [..\..\halmps\i386\mpspin.asm @ 465]:
465 8006563f 750e jne hal!ExReleaseFastMutex+0x1b (8006564f)
hal!ExReleaseFastMutex+0xd [..\..\halmps\i386\mpspin.asm @ 468]:
468 80065641 83c10c add ecx,0Ch
469 80065644 50 push eax
470 80065645 6a00 push 0
470 80065647 51 push ecx
470 80065648 ff1570230680 call dword ptr [hal!_imp__KeSetEventBoostPriority (80062370)]
471 8006564e 58 pop eax
hal!ExReleaseFastMutex+0x1b [..\..\halmps\i386\mpspin.asm @ 474]:
474 8006564f a38000feff mov dword ptr ds:[FFFE0080h],eax
475 80065654 8b0d8000feff mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0FFFE0080h]
482 8006565a c3 ret