WPF Designer docs are posted
The MSDN library online has been refreshed, and you can find all the new documentation for the WPF Designer for Visual Studio (formerly known as "Cider") here. You might want to start with the overview topic, or if you want to start autoring your own custom design time, try the extensibility portal topic.
Here's some random artwork from the docs to give you a taste.
Design View Features
XAML View Features
December 01, 2007
Please help me to find a decision. I'd like to serialize my control's property into xaml at design-time. The problem is that this particular property is not changed by user in designer. I need to change it from Control.Load event handler and serialize this value into xaml. In WinForms designer I used IComponentChangeService interface to notify designer about such changes. Is that any analogy to it in the WPF designer? I'll be glad to hear of any ideas or links to documentation.Anonymous
December 05, 2007
Here's the word from the product team: "A DefaultInitializer should do the trick here, set the desired property to a local value using the Editing Model API and it will show up in the XAML." Hope that helps.