Details on Windows 7 Pricing and Upgrade Options!
Today we announced some details of upgrade options for Windows 7 and general pricing details. Check out this video from Brad Brooks who is a Corporate Vice President in the Windows Consumer Marketing division.
Announcing the Windows 7 Upgrade Option Program & Windows 7 Pricing
I haven’t had any confirmations yet of local pricing in Australia as of yet but I will keep you informed as soon as I hear something.
We are getting close!
Technorati Tags: Windows 7,Upgrades,Beta's
June 27, 2009
Would be great if we got the same pre-order discount the US got. Having said that, my conspiracy theory is that the pre-order is meant to be limited, it will sell out quickly and MS will announce with the huge success of the Pre-order program, they have decided to make it pertinent or at least greatly extended! Everything sounds great about the Windows 7 bar the price! Bring it down to $100 and I will probably upgrade my two Vista boxes!Anonymous
June 29, 2009
hi Jeffa Looks like you might have been scooped on the AU pricing. If that is accurate then there will be a few justifiably upset people. The price difference between the AU and the US pricing is not a fair comparison IMHO - particularly the stepping between the upgrades and the full versions - the price difference steps in the different versions translate horribly. Please tell me that the figures quoted are wrong.. please please.. :) cheers kyle