Certification for Windows Embedded Standard (the follow on to XPE) is coming!
I saw a post from Weijuan Shi over on the XPE Team Blog - with the pending release of Windows Embedded Standard, we're going to be developing training and certification content for Standard, much like we do for CE. we will be working with a limited number of qualified participants to help with development of the content. if you're interested, contact the Windows Embedded Partner Team at mswepp@microsoft.com.
Here's a link to Weijuan's Post.
July 30, 2008
Will this be an online certification?Anonymous
July 30, 2008
Certificazioni per Windows Embedded StandardAnonymous
July 31, 2008
This will be like the standard Microsoft Certified Professional Certifications - you'll have to go to a Test site and take it. it will not be offered online.