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Fixing more errors for LKG

Strangely enough I'm working on a Sunday in the office with several other co-workers. It is crunch time again and this LKG project is not getting completed fast enough. Even Jeff is in today.

Thankfully today we discovered one of our major problems. It turns out that the build machines need to be 32-bit since we don't have all of the correct shims for the CLR version differences. Something like 17000 errors from our builds last night were because of this. Thankfully we just happened to build last night with 2 64-bit boxes and 1 32-bit box. Otherwise I don't think we would have found this error so quickly. The 32-bit box only had 3 errors; a very different result.

We were about to fixed some of the errors by forcing some applications to run in 32-bit mode. This is done by setting the "Wow64" string registry value to "1" for any EXE you want. Create a key with the name of the exe under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options" like the following.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\cl.exe]

We also ran into a few other errors not related to the bitness of the build machine. Some of which are related to the "full" include directory. Somehow we got this directory even though the team working on creating the directory said they have not RIed it up into Main yet; much less back down into the VC branch. This seems to have caused most of the rest of the issues in the VC branch builds. The other errors we have fixed already. They were all minor issues like macro or type redefinitions.

I'm crossing my fingers for tonight's WinSDK branch builds. It would be really nice to have at least the WinSDK branch building. At least then we could work on just moving to VC; and there is plenty of help out there for doing that. Our little team could use a break.
