Windows Vista: Beta 2, RC1, and RC2 Set to Expire
On May 31, the pre-release versions of Windows Vista (Beta 2, RC1, and RC2) will expire. Starting April 24, those who are still running a pre-release version of Windows Vista will receive multiple notifications about the expiration so that they will have ample time to back up data and migrate their PCs to the final version of Windows Vista. It is strongly recommended that customers running any of these pre-release versions of Windows Vista migrate their PCs to the final version of Windows Vista or another operating system prior to May 31. For more information Click Here.
January 01, 2003
May 02, 2007
Thanks for the news Deeps i am going to have to upgrade!Anonymous
May 08, 2007
Is it true that users of pre-release versions are eligible to purchase Windows Vista using the upgrade pricing?Anonymous
June 21, 2007
Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! scfnjpcpzvx