"Vista SP1 up to 86% faster" - APCMAG.COM
The title says it all http://apcmag.com/8373/vista_sp1_up_to_86_faster
January 01, 2003
@Scott Because its you fletch :)Anonymous
March 06, 2008
How come you never approve my comments?Anonymous
March 08, 2008
Interesting. My experience so far with my main PC is that it now spends a lot more time accessing the hard drive and is therefore noticeably slower. The sidebar also tends to eat up about 40% CPU cycles since upgrading to SP1. On the other hand my laptop seems to be running quite nicely with SP1 so far. Sadly, the media centre PC still 'forgets' how to render sound to the SP/DIF port every so often and viewing is sometimes choppy for no apparent reason. So mixed results for me, though I do think copying files off the network to the laptop has improved.Anonymous
March 26, 2008
Great article above from APCMAG.COM!...Vista is now so fast the articel has disappeared!.