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Prevention is the best medicine

The past 2 weeks have been a bit rough. While in Israel I began to feel a bit congested. By the time I hit Nürmberg, Germany for 12th International Conference on Quality Engineering in Software Technology I was injecting nose-juice (nasal decongestant) about every 2-3 hours and couldn’t sleep through the night. Fortunately I didn’t speak until Friday, so Monday morning I visited a local Apotheke (Pharmacy), described the symptoms, and was presented with some medicinal remedies by the pharmacist. By Wednesday I was much worse, so again tried another pharmacy and was given a different batch of drugs. By Friday morning I was struggling, but managed to present my talk on probabilistic stochastic test data generation using parameterized equivalent partitions and genetic algorithms (which I will discuss in a future post). Unfortunately, I had to cancel another engagement and reschedule my flight home for Saturday. Once home I went to my doctor and was quickly diagnosed with a bacterial infection in my nasal cavities.

Now, I am not telling you this story to seek your sympathy, but to illustrate a point. I had convinced myself that I simply had a slight cold that I could treat with over-the-counter remedies, and perhaps due to my own stubborn nature I refused advice from my friends in Germany to see a physician. In the end, I realized I was simply treating the symptoms and ignoring the root cause of the real problem. So, I sometimes wonder if we are too focused on treating the symptoms of buggy software by focusing our testing efforts on bug detection rather than addressing the real problem and thinking more about bug prevention.

In my opinion, one of the most significant ways we can directly impact quality of the product and the effectiveness of our teams is not by trying to beat the bugs out of the product after the designers and developers have spent days/weeks injecting bugs into the product, but through partnering with the PMs and developers earlier in the lifecycle to prevent issues from ever getting into the product to begin with. If we continue to think of testing as an after-the-fact process than we might never advance our discipline, and perhaps even worse, we might relegate the role of testers to nothing more than bug-finders.

Defect prevention doesn’t negate or eliminate the need for system level testing, but it could certainly change the role of testers throughout any product lifecycle. Rather than perpetuating an adversarial  “don’t trust the developer” attitude I envision testers and developers working in a more symbiotic relationship (Доверяй, но проверяй – Trust, but verify). For example, I think many readers would agree that developers are responsible for unit testing, but I wonder how many testers are proactively engaging their development partners and suggesting ways to improve the effectiveness of their unit tests (without adding significant additional overhead), or participating in code inspections. And, how many testers are engaged in design reviews and prototyping with program managers and designers in an effort to prevent sub-optimal designs which often leads to a tremendous amount of rework.

The ability to move quality upstream through defect prevention requires different skills and capabilities, but also opens up new and greater challenges for software testers.


“Bug prevention is testing’s first goal.” – B. Beizer