HHH Comic Series Week 8-1
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March 18, 2008
"open source relationship" Insert Eliot Spitzer jokes here.Anonymous
March 18, 2008
Wow... so wrong on so many levels... he married his wife after she had an "open source relationship" with him and 3 other guys?Anonymous
March 19, 2008
And like it was expected, there is no hint of an explanation of the brilliant technical solution that a technical audience would like to know about... I believed this was a comic about IT Pro's FOR IT Pro's... Or I am wrong?Anonymous
March 19, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 19, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 19, 2008
<i>And the message of AIDS and STD's must have been inadvertently sent to and then subsequently deleted from their spam folder.</i> Maybe they were using Macs or Linux back then, so they didn't have to worry about viruses.Anonymous
March 19, 2008
"open source relationship" Or maybe he meant "open sores" relationship? OK, that was so wrong and childish, but I couldn't resist. And I'm sure it will be part of some future Microsoft FUD campaign against open source.Anonymous
March 19, 2008
"And like it was expected, there is no hint of an explanation of the brilliant technical solution that a technical audience would like to know about." Isn't it obvious? They re-routed the tachyon beam through the main deflector dish while oscillating the harmonic frequency of the shields, thus creating a sub-space anomaly which allowed them to exploit unused portions of the electro-magnetic hyper-spectrum that were being broadcast by a competing television station's satellite.Anonymous
March 19, 2008
Quote: anonymous - "They re-routed the tachyon beam through the main deflector dish while oscillating the harmonic frequency of the shields, thus creating a sub-space anomaly which allowed them to exploit unused portions of the electro-magnetic hyper-spectrum that were being broadcast by a competing television station's satellite." Pft. Amateurs.Anonymous
March 19, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 19, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 19, 2008
WEEK 4. They go visit Emil who despite having a satellite dish on his hut is running a cable up to a radio tower. A bear chases him for several days. Yawn. He throws away his Windows Mobile Nokia E61 because seemingly his thumbs are far too big for the keypad. Yada Yada Yada. Emil runs some kind of co-location NIGHTMARE. Why he was running a cable to the radio tower we don't know, maybe he's maxing out a Wi-Fi link with all those servers or something (good luck with that BTW).Anonymous
March 19, 2008
WEEK 5. Emil's hut WITH satellite dish is now a barn WITHOUT a satellite dish. A satellite dish magically appears on the radio tower which is actually smaller than the silo where all the servers are placed. They leave to go somewhere and go to the airport.Anonymous
March 19, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 19, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 19, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 19, 2008
WEEK 7 (3) Santiago wants to wipe the network after the second outbreak of the rootkit, which is what Steve, Toad, Chen & Emil have failed to do so far. Chen would like to do an impact study for some reason (charging by the hour or something). Steve asks for an external hard drive and seemingly boots it up with ubuntu. The problem is now fixed, no details are given but presumably a format and installation of ubuntu occurred and the viewers got their pay-per-view feed back somehow. A soccer match lasts 90 minutes and in that time Steve and Co have landed by private jet and fixed the entire problem. Kudos.Anonymous
March 19, 2008
WEEK 8. Steve and Chen chat about Toad. Steve is staring at him as he sleeps. Freaky. Steve says Merry was Toad's girlfriend when they were in college under a tree with two other guys. Merry dumped him and they had an 'open source relationship'. Merry is now Steve's wife, the mother of Steve's child with whom he has not spoken to in several weeks.Anonymous
March 19, 2008
rofl @ Say What?'s recap. That sounds way too funny when it's put down like that. XDAnonymous
March 20, 2008
Artwork looks good again :) Did you guys changed it back? Keep up the good work? Where is the comic for 19th? Don't feel let down by negative comments..