Is this abra cadabra business creepy or is it just me?
I can't decide. Either weird and creepy or weird and cool?
February 07, 2010
I vote totally cool, but then again some people say I'm weird though I can't image a typical regular Fortune 500 company hiring him due to his extracurricular activities.Anonymous
February 08, 2010
Hmm, interesting. So now we have a weird guy on the side of "cool" and me on the side of "creepy". I need a larger sample size for this poll to be official :)Anonymous
February 08, 2010
Creepy gets my vote. Wonder how many off season carnies they have?Anonymous
February 08, 2010
Ok, I vote VERY creepy......looks aside, it's weird when your "personal" life bleeds into your professional life. How can anyone take this joker seriously?