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eScience @ Microsoft

Sphere Project - A Multi-Touch Interactive Spherical Display

Today at the MSR Faculty Summit – I was able to play with the Sphere Project, and it’s a real unique...

Author: eScience Date: 07/29/2008

SQL Server 2005 Driver for PHP - Released

PHP developers can now integrate data from SQL Server now that the driver is available for...

Author: eScience Date: 07/29/2008

Overlaying images on Virtual Earth without tiling

One thing a lot of people complain about web mapping applications is having to create tiles to be...

Author: eScience Date: 07/28/2008

"How to blog, get tenure and prosper"

One of the discussions that frequently happens at the eScience/Science 2.0 type meetings is how does...

Author: eScience Date: 07/24/2008

How the WorldWide Telescope works

Jon Udell gets the details from Jonathan Fay (no relation) on how WWT works.  How the WorldWide...

Author: eScience Date: 07/23/2008

Making Sense of Data Overload: An Innovative Approach to Progressive Data Analysis

It's really good to see that the datamining work (ProDA) that Cyrus Shahabi of USC is getting more...

Author: eScience Date: 07/23/2008

Fun Images

Cross Posted from Dan Fay's Blog (https://blogs.msdn.com/dan_fay)

Author: eScience Date: 07/23/2008

.NetMap - Released - visualize your Networks (Social, etc) from Excel

 .NetMap an Excel plugin and dll is now available (Binaries and Source) on CodePlex – This...

Author: eScience Date: 07/22/2008

Very Cool: make Xbox games, make money

Wish I was creative enough to create a Xbox LIVE Community Games and not only get fame - but fortune...

Author: eScience Date: 07/22/2008

NOAA – 2009 Climate Program Announcement

Just received the Sectoral Applications Research Program announcement from Nancy Beller-Simms at the...

Author: eScience Date: 07/18/2008

Introduction to Spatial Coordinate Systems: Flat Maps for a Round Planet

Always looking for interesting papers that educate you on domains - really enjoyed this paper......

Author: eScience Date: 07/17/2008

WorldWide Telescope on Microsoft.com

Cross Posted from Dan Fay's Blog (https://blogs.msdn.com/dan_fay)

Author: eScience Date: 07/11/2008

SCIENCE Article: An Earth Systems Science Agency?

Very interesting article in current issue of Science... The United States faces unprecedented...

Author: eScience Date: 07/10/2008

NGO - Nonprofit Connection

Just ran across the NGO Connection site – this is the place for non-profit orgs in the scientific...

Author: eScience Date: 07/10/2008

Deep Photo at MS Pro Photo Summit

Really neat demo by Michael Cohen (MSR) of Deep Photo at the Pro Photo Summit – uses Virtual Earth...

Author: eScience Date: 07/10/2008

The Petabyte Problem: Scrubbing, Curating and Publishing Big Data

Carol Minton Morris has a good entry on the HatCheck Newsletter on Alex Szalay's keynote,...

Author: eScience Date: 07/03/2008

Here are some good articles on Environmental Science related activities that our researchers at...

Author: eScience Date: 07/02/2008

WorldWide Telescope is a powerful educational tool — a way of telling compelling stories about the Universe.

An On the Issues Essay came out last week featuring Alyssa Goodman, Professor of Astronomy, Harvard...

Author: eScience Date: 06/30/2008

National Geographic and Stonehenge in Photosynth

Video showing Stonehenge in Photosynth off the National Geographic Magazine site  - Stonehenge...

Author: eScience Date: 06/19/2008

DeepEarth - VE and Silverlight Deep Zoom

Just ran across he DeepEarth OpenSource community project on CodePlex - bringing SilverLight 2 Deep...

Author: eScience Date: 06/18/2008

HPC 2008 & NCSA – 23rd on Top500 – Great Efficiency

The Top500 list was released and the cluster at NCSA came in at 23rd running a beta of Windows HPC...

Author: eScience Date: 06/18/2008

NY Times Reader Beta for the Mac OS Now Available

Just saw this post that the NY Times Reader for the Mac is available - I'm interested in seeing how...

Author: eScience Date: 05/27/2008

Windows HPC Server 2008 Beta 2 is Here

Windows HPC Server 2008 Beta 2 is available on Microsoft Connect and Ryan Waite goes into detail on...

Author: eScience Date: 05/23/2008

PHP Support in Expression Web 2

Passing this note about PHP support in Expression Web 2.... PHP Support in Expression Web 2 For...

Author: eScience Date: 05/22/2008

WWT - Eclipse

If you'd like to experience a total Eclipse of the Sun - set WWT to 8/1/2008 at 2:23 and put the...

Author: eScience Date: 05/16/2008

WorldWide Telescope - you haven't seen it?

I decided to wait a bit before blogging about the release of WorldWide Telescope (WWT) to see how...

Author: eScience Date: 05/16/2008

Scalable Adaptive Graphical Environment (SAGE) for Windows now available

The good folks at NCMIR - National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research have released a port...

Author: eScience Date: 05/09/2008

The World Wide Telescope: A new view of the night sky

The The World Wide Telescope: A new view of the night sky article by Ian Harvey (CBC news) on WWT -...

Author: eScience Date: 05/09/2008

Popfly Introduces Game Creator Alpha

Just played the "Kill the Peas" game on the new Popfly Game Creator and it was pretty...

Author: eScience Date: 05/02/2008

Microsoft Releases Speech Recognition Macros for Windows Vista

With the combination of a Vista Tablet PC and these Speech Recognition Macros (thanks Blake) - could...

Author: eScience Date: 04/28/2008

Create Your Own E-Learning

Ran across the release of the Learning Content Development System (LCDS).  Would seem to be a...

Author: eScience Date: 04/28/2008

Fluxnet move to Silverlight v2.0 Beta 1

Savas has been coding again :-) - he's updated the FLUXNET Data set visualization to...

Author: eScience Date: 04/28/2008

4th IEEE Intl. Conference on e-Science, 2008 and Microsoft eScience Workshop

This year the 5th Microsoft eScience workshop will be co-located with Intl. Conference on...

Author: eScience Date: 04/24/2008

Virtual Earth Data Center now powered by Wind

At SC07 I saw a couple of the Container based data centers - it's great to see them in use at the VE...

Author: eScience Date: 04/22/2008

Kit3D - a 3D graphics engine for Microsoft Silverlight

I was pointed to this on CodePlex - interesting to think how it could be used to enable Science Apps...

Author: eScience Date: 04/19/2008

Word for scientific publishing

Here's an interview Jon Udell did w/ Pablo Fernicola about the Word Addin for Scientific publishing....

Author: eScience Date: 04/18/2008

[Papers] Supporting Finite Element Analysis with a Relational Database Backend; There is Life beyond Files

In a discussion I had today around ways to advance a scientific problem I was reminded of Jim Gray...

Author: eScience Date: 04/08/2008

Autonomous Monitoring of Vulnerable Habitats

There is a new article on the MSR Cambridge project on Skomer Island -Microsoft scientists unveil...

Author: eScience Date: 04/03/2008

Bird's Eye in 3D - Photosynth like

I use maps.live.com allot especially when I'm traveling - but didn't realize about this feature...

Author: eScience Date: 04/03/2008

2008 Frontiers of Cancer Nanotechnology Symposium

Currently heading back from the 2008 Frontiers of Cancer Nanotechnology Symposium setup by GaTech...

Author: eScience Date: 04/01/2008

Open Source at Microsoft

The Open Source at Microsoft site is a really good location for information, resources, and links on...

Author: eScience Date: 03/28/2008

TED Talks - Roy Gould: WorldWide Telescope

I realized I hadn't posted the link to the TED Talk on the WorldWide Telescope  Science...

Author: eScience Date: 03/28/2008

Windows HPC - Computational Finance Pilot

The Windows HPC team has just made public their Computational Finance Pilot where they are enabling...

Author: eScience Date: 03/28/2008

PubMed Central Article Authoring Add-in

Scientists should find this Word 2007 add-in very useful, especially when submitting to PubMed...

Author: eScience Date: 03/24/2008

What makes Scoble cry: Microsoft’s WorldWide Telescope?

In case you didn't see the blog entry on ZDNet about WWT What makes Scoble cry: Microsoft’s...

Author: eScience Date: 02/15/2008

[Paper] Statistical Resolution of Ambiguous HLA Typing Data

A MSR Tech Report is now available on Statistical Resolution of Ambiguous HLA Typing Data - Here's...

Author: eScience Date: 02/08/2008

TechREACH - Middle School program to increase interest in STEM

It's great to see programs like TechREACH reaching out to middle school students to get them...

Author: eScience Date: 02/06/2008

Heroes Happen Here {Comic Series}

Now this is different and refreshing - maybe we need some comics highlighting the work of...

Author: eScience Date: 01/29/2008

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