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What we do with a bug report?

This has been a busy couple of days for a few of us on the team as we had a report of a bug in Windows 7. The specifics of the issue are probably not as important as a discussion over how we will manage these types of situations down the road and so it seems like a good time to provide some context and illustrate our process, using this recent example.

This week a report on a blog described a crashing issue in Windows 7. The steps to reproduce the crash were pretty easy (1) run chkdsk /r on a non-system drive then crash after consuming system memory. Because it was easy to “reproduce”, the reports of this issue spread quickly. Subsequent posts and the comments across the posts indicated that the issue seemed to have been reproduced by others—that is the two characteristics of the report were seen (a) consumption of lots of memory and (b) crashing.

Pretty quickly, I started getting a lot of mail personally on the report. Like many of you, the first thing I did was try it out. And as you might imagine I did not reproduce both issues, though I did see the memory usage. I tried it on another machine and saw the same behavior. In both cases the machine functioned normally during and after the chkdsk. As I frequently do, I answered most of the mail I receive and started asking people for steps to reproduce the crash and to share system dump files. The memory usage did not worry me quite as much as the crash. I began having a number of interesting mail threads, but we didn’t have any leads on a repro case nor did we have a crash dump to work with.

Of course I was not the first Microsoft person to see this. The file system team immediately began to look into the issue. They too were unable to reproduce the crash and from their perspective the memory usage was by design and was a specific Windows 7 change for this scenario (the /r flag grabs an exclusive lock and repairs a disk and so our assumption is you’d really like the disk to be fixed before you do more stuff on the machine, an assumption validated by several subsequent third party blog posts on this topic). We cast the net further and continued looking for crash dumps and reports. As described below we have quite a few tools at our disposal.

While we continued to investigate, the mail I was getting was escalating in tone and more importantly one of the people I responded to mentioned our email exchange in a blog post. So in my effort to have a normal email dialog I ended up in the thick of the discussion. As I have done quite routinely during the development of Windows 7, I added a comment on the original blog (and the blog where this particular email friend was commenting) outlining the steps we are taking and the information we knew to date. Interestingly (though not unfortunately) just posting the comment drew even more attention to the issue being raised. I personally love being a member of the broader community and enjoy being a casual contributor even when it seems to cause a bit of a stir.

It is worth just describing the internal process that goes on when we receive a report of a crashing issue. Years ago we had one of two reactions. Either we would just throw up our arms and surrender as we had no hope of finding the bug, or we would drop everything and start putting people on airplanes with terminal debuggers in the hopes of finding a reproducible case. Neither of these is particularly effective and the latter, while very heroic sounding, does not yield results commensurate with effort. Most importantly while there might be a crash, we had no idea if that was the only instance or if lots more people were seeing or would see the crash. We were working without any data to inform our decisions.

With the internet and telemetry built into our products (not just Windows 7) we now have a much clearer view of the overall health of the software. So when we first hear a report of a crash we check to see if we’re seeing the crash happen on the millions of machines that are out there. This helps us in aggregate, but of course does not help us if a crash is one specific configuration. However, a crash that is one specific configuration will still show up if there is any statistically relevant sampling of machines and given the size of the user base this is almost certain to be the case. We’re able to, for example, query the call stacks of all crashes reported to see if a particular program is on the stack.

We have a number of tools at our disposal if we are seeing a crash in telemetry. You might have even seen these at work if you crash. We can increase (with consent) the amount of data asked for. We can put up a knowledge base article as a response to a crash (and you are notified in the Windows 7 Action Center). We can even say “hey call us”. As crazy as that one might sound, sometimes that is what can help. If a crashing issue in an already shipping product suddenly appears then something changed—a new hardware device, new device driver, or other software likely caused the crash to appear far more frequently. Often a simple confirmation of what changed helps us to diagnose the issue. I remember one of the first times we saw this was when one day unexpectedly Word started crashing for people. We hadn’t changed anything. It turned out a new version of a popular add-in released and the crash was happening in the add-in, but of course end-users only saw Word crashing. We quickly put up instructions to remove the add-in while in parallel working with the ISV to push out a fix. This ability to see the changing landscape, diagnose, and respond to a problem has radically changed how we think of issues in the product.

We are constantly investigating both new and frequently occurring issues (including crashes, hangs, device not found, setup failures, potential security issues, and so on). In fact we probably look into on the order of hundreds of issues in any given month as we work with our enterprise and OEM customers (and therefore hardware partners, ISVs, etc.). Often we find that issues are resolved by code changes outside core Windows code (such as with drivers, firmware, or ISV code). This isn’t about dodging responsibility but helping to fix things at the root cause. And we also make many code changes in Windows, which are seen as monthly updates, hotfixes, and then service pack rollups. The vast majority of things we fix are not applicable broadly and hence not released with immediate urgency—if something is ever broadly applicable we will make the call to release it broadly. It is very important for everyone to understand how seriously we take the responsibility of making sure there are no critical issues impacting a broad set of customers, while also balancing the volume of changes we push out broadly.

To be specific about the investigation around the chkdsk utility, let’s look at how we dove into this over the past couple of days. We first looked through our crash telemetry (both at the user level and “blue screen” level) and found no reported crashes of chkdsk. We of course look through our existing reports of issues that came up during the development of Windows 7, but we didn’t see anything at all there. We queried the call stacks of existing reported crashes (of all kinds, since this was reported) and we did not find any crashes with chkdsk.exe running while crashing. We then began automated test runs on a broad set of machines—these ran overnight and continued for 2 days. We also saw reports related to a specific hardware configuration, so we set up over 40 machines based on variants of that chipset, driver, and firmware and ran those tests. We were not hitting any crashes (as mentioned, the memory usage was already understood). Because some were saying the machines were non-responsive we also looked for that in manual tests and didn’t see anything. We also broadened this to request globally to Microsoft folks to try things out (we have quite a few unique configs when you think of all of our offices around the world) and so we had several hundred more test runs going. We also had reports of the crash happening when running without a pagefile—that could be the case, but that would not be an issue with this utility as any program that requests more memory than physically available would cause things to tip over and this configuration is not recommended for general purpose use (and this appears to be the common thread on the small number of non-reproducible crashes). Folks interested might read Mark’s blog on the topic of pagefiles in general. While we did not identify anything of note, that does not rule out the possibility of a problem but at this point the chances of any broad issue are extremely small. 

In the meantime, we continue to look through external blogs, forums and other reports of crashes to see if we can identify any reproducible cases of this. While we don’t contact everyone, we do contact people if the forum and report indicate this has a good chance of yield. In all fairness, it probably doesn’t help us when there’s a lot of “smoke” while we’re trying to find the fire. We had a lot of “showstopper” comments piling on but not a lot of additional data including a lack of a reproducible case or a crash dump.

This type of work will continue until we have satisfied ourselves that we have systematically ruled out a crash or defined the circumstances where a crash can happen. Because this is a hardware/software related issue we will also invite input from various IHVs on the topic. In this case, because it is disk related we can’t rule out the possibility that in fact the disk was either failing or about to fail and the excessive use of the disk during a /r repair would in fact generate a failure. And while the code is designed to handle these failures (as you can imagine) there is the possibility that the specific failure is itself not handled well. In fact, in our lab (running tests continuously for a few days) we had one failure in this regard and the crash was in the firmware of the controller for the disk. Obviously we’ll continue to investigate this particular issue.

I did want folks to know just how seriously we take these issues. Sometimes blogs and comments get very excited. When I see something like “showstopper” it gets my attention, but it also doesn’t help us to have a constructive and rational investigation. Large software projects are by nature extremely complex. They often have issues that are dependent on the environment and configuration. And as we know, often as deterministic as software is supposed to be sometimes issues don’t reproduce. We have a pretty clear process on how we investigate reports and we focus on making sure Windows remains healthy even in the face of a changing landscape. With this post, I wanted to offer a view into some specifics but also into the general issue of sounding alarms.

It is always cool to find a bug in software. Whether it is an ATM, movie ticket machine, or Windows we all feel a certain sense of pride in identifying something that doesn’t work like we think it should. Windows is a product of a lot of people, not just those of us at Microsoft. When something isn’t as it should be we work with a broad set of partners to make sure we can effectively work through the issue. I hope folks recognize how serious we take this responsibility as we all know we’re going to keep looking at issues and we will have issues in the future that will require us to change the code to maintain the level of quality we know everyone expects of Windows.



  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2009
    it must be a fairly tedious process to filter out information that's actually useful with regard to the actual issue at hand from the interwebz. case in point being that most reports i've seen on the issue illustrate that most users are unaware that /r eats RAM for breakfast by design. Leon

  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2009
    thanks for the followup with the topic. indeed i was also not able to reproduce the "showstopper" bug.i completely agree with the complexity of whole ecosystem of windows. the topic got a lot of unnecessary attention in the blogs when no one was able to reproduce the crash. People are so obsessed with win7 that any small issue create a lot of noises. anyways, looking forward for the GA.

  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2009
    Hi Steven Excellent article. I believe that the 66 articles in this blog (and I hope there will be many more to come) would make an excellent book about how to build a commercial operating system. The transparency that your team and Microsoft has shown in this and all of the Windows 7 related blogs has been phenomenal. Good Job!

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2009
    I have to agree with RonV (and many others) that most of the articles here are very interesting. Here I have some suggestions and wishes for further topics which I think are widely discussed among Windows users.

  1. There is a widespread believe that the Windows OS performs best when it is freshly installed but then gets slower with time. Can you confirm that with the data you have collected? Have you done some work concerning that issue? If yes, why is that? Is the registry really a factor in that matter?
  2. How much do background processes like updaters influence my PC's performance? Is it reasonable to deactivate third party services with msconfig or does Windows handle them in a way that makes them only use ressources if they are really active?
  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2009
    As far as the crash is concerned i did have any major crash on RC but sometime comuter hangs on welcome screenit dosent move The we need to boot the computer in safe mode That works & guess what without making any changes if we restart the computer it boots.

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2009
    Excellent explanation..Thanks Steven.. We like Win7 a lot..its really stable & good.

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2009
    Steven, Thank you for this blog.  It is most helpful to those of us who need to explain to users that some of the stories about problems may not be widespread or reproducible.  

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2009
    The various Windows teams seem to be all agile, however the shell team (which btw needs to be fired and re-formed) I think just sits on a bug or denies it's a bug in the first place and most of the time fails to understand what the reporter is exactly describing conveniently ignoring the issue. XP will continue to dominate the Windows marketshare until the XP shell and Windows Explorer are restored completely with all destroyed features.

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2009
    @solaris, Steven was giving link many posts ago to some forum and threads about ini files, Registry and similar things. It was one conclusion there - we have created Registry and we will use, even if it has limits. EOT. There is visible one general problem in such thinking. NT based win32 ecosystem is (too) big. Developers are afraid of changes because of application compatibility. When you add into it some more and more "corporate friendly" solutions and ideas (like infamous DRM), you will see, that this platform lost freshness and (in my opinion) asking, if this is or other solution is good doesn't have sense. Additionally - for many people XP is good enough and known enough. And they will use it up to the end (max. 2014). What this it mean ? In my opinion, nothing good. What MS could do ? Windows NG - small, in micro-kernel architecture with a lot of virtualization and partial win32 compatibility. Without Registry and similar things.

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2009
    Steven, As in the past, another excellent explanation of a process.  The issue with Chkdsk came to my attention first as a forum entry by Chris123NT on GeekSmack.net.  I think Chris had good intentions posting it.   Your writeup has done much to help clear the subsequent confusion.  But I don't see a clearly stated conclusion, is this a bug or is it a feature?  In other words, the program is working as designed right?  Crashing is not common, so therefore, nothing to worry about for the average user? Walt

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2009
    So why didn't MS get the one crash report from the original person that saw his machine crash? It begs the question: Is MS getting all the telemetry it thinks it is? Of course, that guy could have had the option turned off. Curious to know...

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2009
    @Vyacheslav Lanovets, very well said. You've pinned some very accurate reasons why Windows shows performance degradation over time. My Start menu on Windows 7 RC includes about 95+ items/programs but the "All Programs" menu now comes up completely empty. This happened in the beta too after I installed more apps. If you search a bit, you'll realize internet forums are littered with this problem. I'm forced to use a different launcher app to launch my programs instead of the revolutionary-touted Start search. Is the new Start menu not robust enough to display an infinite number of installed programs under "All Programs" or is it the shell team this time again that is notorious for the extremely shabby work it has done on Windows since the Vista release? In all of these years of using Windows, I've never found installed programs missing the launcher except in these recent OSes.

  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2009
    @sroussey: so why didn't MS get a crash report from the original person? Because he had the page file turned off. The crash dump is written to the page file when the system crashes.

  • Anonymous
    August 13, 2009
    Hm, I saw chkdsk memory leak on my main machine and on virtual PC. There is no emergency shutdown, BSOD or something other, just memory leak. So, why chkdsk doesn't uses so much memory in Windows Vista?

  • Anonymous
    August 13, 2009
    I believe that the Microsoft Windows 7 has fewer bugs and problems than the previous versions. Maybe it was just an impression or maybe was true but I like it a lot more.

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2009
    Steven, Like wguimb, I too don't see a conclusion, and yet I'm curious... is the issue resolved now? Are you still investigating? Have you found the cause, and if so - what is/was it? HDD firmware? Chkdsk code base? Other parts of the Windows code base? AV or another kind of third party software interfering somehow?

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2009
    I have two physical HDDs - one with WinXP and one with Win7 RC installed, both NTFS formatted. Dual-boot between systems.

  1. Load Win7.
  2. In second (with WinXP) hard drive Properties start Check Disk, place both checkmarks on.
  3. In Task Manager see Explorer usage memory grows up to 1.7 Gb (out of 3).
  4. When surface testing stage starts, decide it too much time and click Cancel.
  5. Wait more than 30 minutes, see Explorer memory does NOT released.
  6. Decide it is quite enough and restart system using start menu.
  7. In boot menu select WinXP.
  8. System does NOT load!!!
  9. Restart in Win7. Before-the-boot checkdisk invokes. Found many ACL errors(!!!), fixed them. Ugh.
  10. Restart in WinXP - OK. Is it enough to place shipstopper bug???
  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2009
    That's a great article, but one question remains: how to report bugs in Windows in the first place? (I have two bugs in Windows 7 to report). Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2009
    I think one of the best ways is to use a contact form over here. The reason is pretty simple - all such requests come to emails of blog owners. Email at Microsoft has a great power - once one got it he can send it to anyone else (mean escalate) inside Microsoft in a pretty simple way.

  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2009
    It's great to hear what you do with bug reports but I that you would publish a page where people could post bugs that they have found. I love Windows 7 but there is a "bug" that I've experienced in BETA, RC1 and now RTM. If a Windows 7 machine goes to sleep or hibernation there is an issue with the Task bar. After the "sleep" occurs when I hover over open programs the small preview window does not have a small preview of the window instead it's a blank window. You have to actually open the window all the way. Then minimize the window and then hover your mouse over the task bar. The small preview will now show. This happens on the only two machines I've been able to install Windows 7 RTM on. Both machines are using the latest drivers for all items. The laptop is using an ATI graphics and the Desktop is using an nVidia GTX280 SSCE. Hopefully this gets resolved soon. It's not so much an issue with the desktop because I prefer not to put it to sleep because I do a bunch of downloading on it. My laptop on the other hand is a different story.

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2009
    I've been thinking about this a lot over the last few years, years during which I have been using Microsoft products at work and had no effective bug reporting mechanism.  I can tell my IT help desk, but I don't suppose they ever pass on what I have said.  I've also come across the case where we have to be subscribers to even be allowed to report problems.  Paying to report bugs is rather galling. At home I've been using Open Source products a lot.  I think that one reason is the bug reporting process.  I get to use something like Bugzilla, file my screen dumps and test files - and I can go back later and see what the progress is.  Even if there is none, the reason why is always explained.  I can also search and see what other people have reported and what work-arounds may have been suggested.  No-one denies that bugs can occur, and a clear path to resolution is always visible (Mozilla do keep security vulnerabilities 'in camera', of course) I realise that the dominant supplier may have issues with volumes of reports from such a system - in FLOSS perhaps 40% are unfounded or repetitious, with a less sophisticated audience the level would be higher  - but it cannot be beyond the wit of someone to find a way to offer the advantages of visibility and explanation without the problems of volume.

  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2009
    Thank you for this post and indeed the blog, I'm finding it very interesting. I have submitted I have what I feel is an important a feature-request for Windows 7, but am not sure how best to submit it. It's not a bug. Feature request: tabbed browsing in Windows Explorer http://www.timacheson.com/Blog/2009/aug/windows_explorer_needs_tabs Tabs in Windows Explorer. It seems obvious when you think about it! :)

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2009
    UI glitch found in many years ago, starting from vista to win7 now, like http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7itproui/thread/abc31269-8d94-4589-992b-dc8225fbd333 or win7 only glitch http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7itproui/thread/c5a1e4cd-feda-4fae-ba86-d2b73907a6fc response said the issue were sent to team related, but glitch still find in vista sp2/win 7 RTM. Do teams really review the glitch?

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2009
    bobharvey, I've had the same problems.  I've even had instances where I've purchased Office 2007, it wouldn't install properly, and I couldn't get support.  Personally, I consider that to be failure to deliver the product (which is, admittedly, a fairly common software phenomenon).  Obviously, I was quite disappointed.  Installation support should be included with the software; otherwise, users should be able to return opened software.  Wouldn't you agree?   Consequently, I've been implementing OpenOffice on many of the machines in our office (where possible) as a result.  So far, I like Windows 7 A LOT.  But the support model leaves a lot to be desired...

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2009
    @cvpsmith -- Office 2007 provides 90 days free support in the US (different markets vary on this) and it is via telephone or email.  It is particularly designed to assist with installation.  Please see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/FX102751391033.aspx for options. --Steven

  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 22, 2009
    I got frequent crash in Windows 7 RTM x64 in my PC. I am using Asus P6T Deluxe v2 with 6x2GB DDR3 RAM and 2 Seagate 1.5TB hard disks setup in RAID1 (mirror) environment. The frequent crash cause my PC have to rebuild the RAID1 volume ! Sorry I forgot the error code for each blue screen but I do very hope that Microsoft could release some patches as soon as possible.

  • Anonymous
    November 06, 2009
    Thanks, that's useful article.

  • Anonymous
    November 09, 2009
    Excellent post and great job steven hope we can find more useful information

  • Anonymous
    November 09, 2009
    I am interested in why chkdsk uses so much memory in windows 7.

  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 12, 2009
    Great job, keep the good work :)

  • Anonymous
    November 12, 2009
    I had one crash but missed to send the bug report, bad habit. If it happens again ill send the Data.

  • Anonymous
    November 13, 2009
    I have a question. Should we switch over from XP to 7 for our our supply chain management company? Please let me know.

  • Anonymous
    November 23, 2009
    If you search a bit, you'll realize internet forums are littered with this problem. I'm forced to use a different launcher app to launch my programs instead of the revolutionary-touted Start search. Is the new Start menu not robust enough to display an infinite number of installed programs under "All Programs" or is it the shell team this time again that is notorious for the extremely shabby work it has done on Windows since the Vista release?

  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 12, 2010
    I'm finding it very interesting Thank you for this post and indeed the blog, I'm finding it very interesting.

  • Anonymous
    March 22, 2010
    I recently purchased windows 7 and need a to learn more about it and when I first started I was getting a Bug Report all the time.  I then took the Windows 7 tutorial at http://www.knowledgecity.com/computer_training/windows7_tutorial.html#os and have been able to get around this report.  But I think Microsoft is doing the best they can and I found Windows 7 to be awesom.   Thanks, Kyle

  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2010
    I like Win7, its stable and excellent Thanks a lot

  • Anonymous
    April 01, 2010
    System:Dell Studio XPS 8100 quad Intel I7-860 OS:Windows 7 64 Bit After installing Zone Alarm, I started getting random blank screen freezes. I tried to force a BSOD from running system but it only resulted in another blank screen freeze (below is article on forcing BSOD) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc266483.aspx Was able to get BSOD's to occur (from google article) by adding: displayswitch /extend displayswitch /internal to C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart ManuPrograms

  • Anonymous
    April 03, 2010
    you hold a few useful facts there in your article. I knew Yahoo are going to bring me to some unique stuff today :). Alright should search this now! Have a great time you all!

  • Anonymous
    April 05, 2010
    <p>Great info.I like all your post.I will keep visiting this blog very often.<br>  <a href="http://www.immobilie-seite.de">immobilienverzeichnis</a> <a href="http://www.top-handylogo365.de">handy logo Klingelton</a> <a href="http://www.finanz4you.eu">finanzportal</a> </p>

  • Anonymous
    April 05, 2010
    >>> http://www.pcmadd.com/concurs/extraterestru.php?nume=BrokeR

  • Anonymous
    April 09, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    April 09, 2010
    So far I have very little bugs to mention for Windows 7. Finally an OS from microsoft that we can count on. I mean vista was a disaster. I just know that Windows 7 is the next windows XP. It will stay for a long time before the next version.

  • Anonymous
    April 10, 2010
    When attempting to install the adobe online converter (used as a network printer that emails PDF back to you) It will not allow you to install this as a printer as it was designed to do, and it worked with Windows XP (r)

  • Anonymous
    April 13, 2010
    Thanks for very interesting and informative article.Is really useful for me.

  • Anonymous
    April 13, 2010
    I would be particularly interested in how many bugs have been found since August? I mean important bugs.

  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2010
    Thanks, that's useful and helpful article.

  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2010
    I think one of the best ways is to use a contact form over here. The reason is pretty simple - all such requests come to emails of blog owners. Email at Microsoft has a great power - once one got it he can send it to anyone else (mean escalate) inside Microsoft in a pretty simple way.

  • Anonymous
    April 18, 2010
    I got frequent crash in Windows 7 RTM x64 in my PC. I am using Asus P6T Deluxe v2 with 6x2GB DDR3 RAM and 2 Seagate 1.5TB hard disks setup in RAID1 (mirror) environment. The frequent crash cause my PC have to rebuild the RAID1 volume ! Sorry I forgot the error code for each blue screen but I do very hope that Microsoft could release some patches as soon as possible.

  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2010
    First thing i always did when i installed Windows was that i disabled 'Send Report'. Now that i've read this post, i won't anymore. Didn't realize that you guys keep and track this data, i thought it was just for a fun.

  • Anonymous
    May 01, 2010
    When attempting to install the adobe online converter (used as a network printer that emails PDF back to you) It will not allow you to install this as a printer as it was designed to do, and it worked with Windows XP (r)

  • Anonymous
    May 01, 2010
    The weird thing...actually not weird but the wonderful thing about Windows 7 is that there really isn't so many bugs to report.

  • Anonymous
    June 26, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 07, 2010
    Never actually had a single crash running Windows 7 for the last 6 months now. Impressive. John - www.supercardrivingdays.com

  • Anonymous
    May 09, 2011
    It was quite a long but interesting post. Thanks for all the information passing along<A href="www.indianic.com/windows-mobile-phone-7-application-development.html">hire windows mobile developer</a>

  • Anonymous
    September 26, 2011
    Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7600. Locale ID: 1033 Additional information about the problem: BCCode: 4e BCP1: 00000099 BCP2: 00033786 BCP3: 00000000 BCP4: 0003D086 OS Version: 6_1_7600 Service Pack: 0_0 Product: 256_1 Files that help describe the problem: C:WindowsMinidump�92511-14055-01.dmp C:Usershemali.chauhanAppDataLocalTempWER-55411-0.sysdata.xml Read our privacy statement online: go.microsoft.com/fwlink If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:Windowssystem32en-USerofflps.txt How can i solve this bug in windows 7 Pro.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2012
    I'd like to report a bug concerning keyboard layout handling, where can I do this? [My lowercase dotted name @gmail.com]

  • Anonymous
    July 13, 2012
    One key to understanding is to realize exactly why it is that the kind of bug report non–source-aware users normally turn in tends not to be very useful. www.billigeskoonline.net

  • Anonymous
    July 15, 2012
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 14, 2012
    Since the RAM is limited, and CHKDSK keeps running when he spent all the RAM available, it should be an option to set as much specifich RAM CHKDSK uses.

  • Anonymous
    June 05, 2013
    Engineering in Rajasthan has acquired its position as one of the main professional stream for the students over the last few years. Engineering is a popular domain which is all about new ideas and innovations. A lot of students these days seek for enrollment into the Best engineering colleges in Rajasthan. Rajasthan is a well known hub of Engineering education. From last many years best intellects have been trained by the Best Engineering Colleges in Rajasthan like Arya Institute of Engineering & Technology. The students from this best engineering College of Rajasthan are working in reputed organizations in India and abroad. Engineering is based on the technical field and help a student to build a strong foundation for an innovative future. Engineering is the branch of science that requires ones creativity and innovative skills to excel in their respective field. With the popular and widespread demands for engineers it has become the craze of the nation. In today’s generation craze of engineering is increasing day by day. It’s a very exiting profession where student get lots of ideas and knowledge about new technologies. The Best Engineering Colleges in Rajasthan like Arya Institute of Engineering & Technology is training the students in engineering fields to enable them to be creative have problem solving skills and ability to design things that matters. Branches like Information Technology, Computer Science, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics etc are offered in Best Engineering Colleges in Rajasthan so that student can opt the branch of their interest. A bachelor’s degree in engineering provides students with the elementary engineering education they need to start stimulating careers in the engineering field. Engineering students have the chance to find the ideal forte for their career interests with a wide range of engineering branches available these days. Rajasthan has become one of the important educations Hub in India and is home to some of the best Engineering colleges in Rajasthan. Arya Institute of Engineering & Technology is considered to be one of the Best engineering colleges in Jaipur. Arya entered the association of best engineering institute in Rajasthan a decade ago. It is facilitating Engineering in Rajasthan with experienced faculty, most modern teaching methodologies and impressive infrastructure. Today, students of Arya Institute of Engineering & Technology, Best engineering College of Rajasthan and India, is setting benchmarks in the world with their innovations, improvisations, and occurrence.

  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2013
    Government Universities provides dedicated team and space for Research and Development while private universities do not focus on providing such dedicated team and space for Research and Development

  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2013
    The fix for this obvious BUG (its not by design like MS would like you to believe), is to simply use another disk utility.  One such OS that has utilities that actually work is called Linux.  Simply set your disk to offline mode, fire up a VMWare instance with linux in it (or install Linux and forget WinHose even exists), add the physical HD, and then proceed to run whatever disk utilities you need.  Problem solved.

  • Anonymous
    August 21, 2013
    "the /r flag grabs an exclusive lock and repairs a disk and so our assumption is you’d really like the disk to be fixed before you do more stuff on the machine, an assumption validated by several subsequent third party blog posts on this topic" Frankly, this is an asinine assumption. There are nine hard drives in this system, the one I am using chkdsk /r on can be tied up for three or four hours for a scan, but the rest of my system cannot and should not. There is no reason for chkdsk to be using 30GiB of memory; it's not going to make anything finish faster (the scan finishes in almost exactly the same amount of time no matter how much memory is in the system), it just bogs down the rest of the system for no reason. Yes, I can manually force the process to low priority, but there is still a perceptible slow down when starting and performing other tasks. There might have been some vague, almost plausible, rationale for chkdsk to use all available memory if this behavior was limited to consumer OSes, but it's not. This is a 24/7 system running Server 2008 R2 Enterprise. It hasn't been restarted in six months, and is always doing something important: chkdsk behaves identically in this OS as it does in Windows 7. Yes, I can use other tools to verify the integrity of my disks, but why should I have to? If this is truly by design, it's poorly designed. There is no reason a verification scan on one storage drive need impact the rest of my system in any way.

  • Anonymous
    February 13, 2015
    Great article. I believe that the Windows 7 has fewer bugs and problems than the previous versions.
