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Windows 7 koulutusta sovelluskehittäjille

Jos kehität sovelluksia asiakkaillesi tai omalle organisaatiollesi, tule oppimaan miten hyödynnät sovelluksissasi kaikki Windows 7:n uudet piirteet ja varmistat yhteensopivuuden. Koulutus järjestetään 22.-23.10.2009 Dipolissa.

Koulutus on tarkoitettu kumppaneille, jotka haluavat konsultoida asiakkaitaan Windows 7 siirtymässä sovellusten kannalta. Sopii myös loppukäyttäjäorganisaatioille joilla on omaa sovelluskehitystä.

Ilmoittautumislinkki on msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/InviteOnly.aspx?EventID=47-70-11-70-5A-E7-40-D4-6C-1B-92-E4-54-42-BF-78&Culture=fi-FI.

Koulutuksen sisältö tarkemmin alla. Koulutus pidetään englanniksi.

t. Pasi Mäkinen

Subject: Win 7 ACF Partner Training - Espoo, Dipoli, 22.-23.10.2009


Special Invitation
Windows® 7 Application Compatibility
Partner Training Events

You're invited to attend Microsoft's upcoming 2-day Windows Vista® and Windows 7 Application Compatibility to a city nearest you.

Day 1 of the training is for partners that are new to application compatibility remediation.
Day 2 of the training covers Windows 7 application compatibility remediation scenarios and is targeted for developers/consultants already familiar with Vista application compatibility. There is no cost for the training. Lunch will be available to those who attend.

Event: Windows 7 Application Compatibility Partner Training - Dipoli, Espoo

Location: Otakaari 24, ESPOO, www.dipoli.tkk.fi/kongressipalvelut/
Phone: Pasi Mäkinen, 040-739 1417 (tiedustelut, ilmoittautuminen oheisen linkin kautta)
Date: 22. – 23.10.2009
Time: 8:30 – 17:00
Registration: Click HERE to register for this event.

Topical Agenda:

  • Windows 7 Overview / Deprecations
Compatibility Content – Windows Vista and Windows 7
  • User Account Control – Overview
  • User Account Control – Advanced / Windows Resource Protection
  • Internet Explorer 7/8 Protected Mode
  • Operating System Versioning / Folder Locations / Session 0
  • LUA Tools (ProcMon / SUA / LUA Buglight)
  • Shims and Compatibility Administrator
  • Sysinternals Tools / Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool
  • Application Compatibility Manager
Compatibility Content – Windows 7 Only
  • Internet Explorer 8 Standards Mode
  • High DPI
  • Document Libraries
  • Windows 7 Logo
Light-Up Content – Windows Vista and Windows 7
  • Service hardening / service SIDs / Mandatory integrity control
Light-Up Content – Windows 7 Only
  • Superbar / Ribbon
  • Multi-touch and Ink
  • Sensors and platform
  • Graphics improvements
  • Open packaging conventions / XPS
  • Background services and processes
  • Power management
  • Instrumentation and diagnostics
  • Ribbon
  • Kernel changes
  • NUMA
  • Concurrency Runtime
  • Server Core
  • PowerShell
  • BITS
  • Windows Web Services
Quality Content – Windows Vista and Windows 7
  • Application Verifier


To register for events, please see the links in the above section.

A maximum of 4 attendees per company may attend. Since demand for this event is very high, we would register as soon as possible.

After you have registered for the event, the Microsoft Registration team will contact you to confirm your place. for confirmation of attendance before booking travel and accommodation: we expect this event to be heavily and additional names will be added to a wait-list in case new capacity becomes available.

Event Arrival

When you arrive at the training facility you will need to have your ID with you to sign in with reception. The register you, provide you with a badge and direct you to our location in the building.

If you will be driving in, be sure to have the make, model, color and license plate number of your vehicle ready register with reception.


Your feedback is important to us so if you have additional comments, questions, or concerns please email Events Team.

Thank you for your interest in attending Vista and Windows 7 App Compat training event, and we look forward