Working examples of Java/AXIS + .NET
Working examples of Apache AXIS (Java) webservices and .NET clients.
- - AXIS 1.1 and .NET, arrays of string and float, one complexType. Uses ArrayOfXxx wrapper types as generated by AXIS. C# clients.
- - AXIS 1.2RC3 and .NET 1.1, sending and receiving arrays without wrappers. VB and C# clients.
- - AXIS 1.2RC3 and .NET 1.1, arrays of complexTypes with nesting. C# clients.
All of these use the "WSDL First" approach, which is the best approach for interop. The WSDL is specified first, and the server-side Java skeleton classes are then generated with AXIS' WSDL2Java tool. The client-side stubs are generated from the WSDL, as well.
Source is available for all of them.
Let me know what you think. What other examples do you need?
- Anonymous
April 07, 2005
I have been struggling to invoke a webservice method which returns any type of array from .net. Whenever I call a method for eg. string[] list() found in i get an error saying "Unhandled Exception:System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (1, 349). ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The specified type was not recognized: name='string', namespace='htt.." what am I doing wrong here? - Anonymous
April 18, 2005
did you follow the examples listed in this post?
The .jws stuff is not going to give good interop. - Anonymous
April 26, 2005
I can't seem to access the links above. Is there an alternate url? - Anonymous
November 25, 2008
I have url of Axis web service and i want to access it from C# (.net).
- Generate c# proxy class using wsdl url
- add class file in my project
- i am able to call axis web service method from c# code But i do not know how to set username and password before sending request the code MessageServiceNewService obj = new MessageServiceNewService(); string sResponse; System.Net.NetworkCredential objCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("TST", "tst"); Uri objUri = new Uri(""); System.Net.ICredentials icred = objCredentials.GetCredential(objUri, "Basic"); obj.Credentials = icred; obj.PreAuthenticate = true; sResponse = obj.receiveRequest("N", "XML Request"); can you please suggest the way how can i ..?
December 20, 2009
HI:) I'm having problems creating a .NET client to access a simple axis web service. I've already add a web reference for the web service but something wrong happens when i invoke the methods ... I have 2 methods on java class, it looks like this: /** Sample method */ public String hello(String a) { return "Hello" + a; } public int add(int a, int b){ return a+b; } } On .NET client i had the following code to invoke the service methods: HelloAxisWorld hello= new HelloAxisWorld(); String temp1=""; int temp2=0; temp1 = hello.hello("something"); temp2=hello.add(1,2); First, web service returns only "Hello" to temp1 and not ''Hello something''. Second, the method add is requesting for 6 input parameters instead of 2: (int a, bool aSpecified, int b, bool bSpecified, out int @ return, out bool returnSpecified) does anyone have some ideias how to solve this..?:S... what is missing to achieve interoperability between .NET and Axis Webservice?:S THKS:)Anonymous
April 02, 2010
I've had some trouble with AXIS and .NET myself. Particularly when dealing with AXIS 1.3 which is known to have many bugs. I'm keeping a rolling log of solutions I find including manually changing the proxy.