Java byte[] to VB.NET array of bytes
Somebody asked:
I have an application in Java which encrypts data and returns the bytes in a comma separated string, e.g (-22,24,-40,41) Now when I try to convert the same into a byte array for before decryption I get an error saying "Invalid arithmetic operation". I figured out the reason to be incompatible data type definitions for Bytes in Java and VB .Net A byte in VB .net can store only unsigned values from 0 to 255. Can you suggest a solution?
Yes. As you noticed, the Java byte and the .NET System.Byte are not the same thing.
A Java byte is a signed quantity. The legal range is -127 to 128. The equivalent in .NET is a System.Sbyte. What you need for most of the encryption libraries is an aray of .NET System.Byte, which is an unsigned quantity, with a legal range of 0 to 255.
So what you need to do is convert each element in your string of signed bytes into a System.Sbyte, then convert that array into an array of System.Byte. I am no VB expert, but supposing you start with a string generated on the Java side like this: -24,23,-40,41,56,-2,11,77,52,-13; I think something like this VB code will work:
Public Class ConvertThis
Private Shared Function ArrayOfSbyteToArrayOfByte(sb() as System.Sbyte) as System.Byte()
Dim b(sb.Length-1) As System.Byte
Dim b1 as System.Byte
Dim x as Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To sb.Length-1
x= System.Convert.ToInt16(sb(i))
if (x >= 0 ) then
b1 =System.Convert.ToByte( sb(i) )
b1 = System.Convert.ToByte(x+256)
end if
b(i)= b1
Return b
End Function
Public Shared Sub Main(args() as String)
Dim s as New System.String("-24,23,-40,41,56,-2,11,77,52,-13")
Dim i as Integer
Dim ss as System.String()
Dim delimStr As String = " ,"
Dim delimiter As Char() = delimStr.ToCharArray()
ss= s.Split(delimiter)
System.Console.WriteLine("Original string:")
System.Console.WriteLine(" {0}", s)
System.Console.WriteLine("As array of sbyte:")
Dim sb(ss.Length-1) as System.Sbyte
System.Console.Write(" ")
For i = 0 To ss.Length-1
sb(i)= System.Sbyte.Parse(ss(i))
System.Console.Write("{0:D} ", sb(i))
System.Console.WriteLine("As array of byte:")
Dim b as System.Byte()
System.Console.Write(" ")
For i = 0 To b.Length-1
System.Console.Write("{0:X2} ", b(i))
End Sub
End Class
- Anonymous
October 31, 2009
Signed numbers run from -n to -(-n) - 1, so signed byte would run from -128 to 127, not -127 to 128.