Defining a DB2 as a linked server in SQL Server 2005
This example shows how to add a remote DB2 as a linked server, using the MS OLEDB provider for DB2 (I mentioned it yesterday).
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@srvproduct='Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2',
@provstr='Initial Catalog=PUBS;Data Source=DB2;HostCCSID=1252;Network Address=XYZ;Network Port=50000;Package Collection=admin;Default Schema=admin;'
You can also define a linked server using graphical admin tools: SQL Management Studio (SQL 2005) or SQL Enterprise Manager (SQL 2000).
It also works, of course, with Oracle, or other OLEDB-accessible data providers.
Find other connection strings for the MS OLEDB provider for DB2, and others at
After you define the linked server, the basic syntax for accessing the remote data uses standard, four-part names:
SELECT * FROM LinkedServer.Catalog.Schema.Table
Read more on this in kb222937 and kb287093.
August 24, 2007
SQL As a Federation Database One of the nice things you can do with SQL Server 2005 is utilize it asAnonymous
September 23, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 27, 2011
Isn't it @server rather than server?