What's been happening around the Blogsphere
I have been a bad boy. I have been really busy and the result had been that the blog has not had many posts recently.
Over the last couple of weeks (months) there have been some noteworthy happenings in the Microsoft Dynamics GP community, and I just wanted to highlight a few.
- Bloggers and Microsoft Dynamics GP MVPs Mariano Gomez and Frank Hamelly have joined forces with Ted Mauldin and John Kendrick to form IntellPartners. Have a look at Mariano's post and Frank's post on the subject.
- DynamicsWorld in the UK has started the process of creating its Top 100 Most Influential People in Microsoft Dynamics for 2011 list and is accepting nominations. Please go and nominate your "most influential" person on the 2011 Nominations page. Thank you to all those who nominated or voted for me last year, maybe this year I will be able to improve on 2010's position 78. Also see Mark Polino's post, this post from In Touch with Dynamics and Steve Endow's post.
- Sivakumar Venkataraman has been making changes. Other than changing the URL for his blog to https://msdynamicstips.com as described in his New Link to this Blog, he is also leaving the realms of bachelorhood and is getting married on the 21st February 2011. For details of the wedding see the following posts: Siva weds Viji & Viji weds Siva. Congratulations and I hope that your Wedding day is just the start of a wonderful life together.
- Mark Polino has created a new search engine for the Microsoft Dynamics GP community called MyGPSearch. Have a read of the Announcing the Launch of MyGPSearch.com for finding help with Dynamics GP! post. For further comments on the topic, see Mariano's post and Leslie's post. So now we have MyGPSearch from Mark and GPWindow from Jivtesh Singh. I have also added MyGPSearch onto the Microsoft Dynamics GP Blogs page.
- After some discussions I had with members of the community who felt that logging product suggestions in MS Connect did not work, I asked the product team to explain how Microsoft Connect is a valuable tool. Have a read of Pam's comments on her post: Dynamics GP "12" Feature List will come from MS Connect.
- For a fun note, Martin from eOne posted a great picture of smart merchandising after the flooding in Australia's Eastern States. Check out the picture on his Happy New Creativity post.
Happy reading.
February 15, 2011
David, Much thanks for the props, we appreciate it here at IntellPartners. MG.- Mariano Gomez, MVPAnonymous
February 16, 2011
Posting from Mark Polino at DynamicAccounting.net msdynamicsgp.blogspot.com/.../what-been-happening-around-blogsphere.html