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Cool Nokia and Windows Phone Adverts

David Meego - Click for blog homepageYes, I am on leave, but by the wonders of post dating articles I can still post a few blogs while I am away.

Now that Nokia's Devices and Services division has become part of Microsoft, we should see some great innovations in both hardware and software.

I recently came across these videos from Nokia and the Windows Phone team and wanted to share them with you.


History in the making (Direct Link)


With Nokia Devices & Services joining Microsoft, the next chapter of a remarkable story begins: History in the making in Rube Goldberg style

What better way to celebrate the coming together of our histories than with a Rube Goldberg machine, where every part has an equally important role to play in the larger story.

Values, experience, technology, employees and fans...there are many elements involved in the change, and we're dedicated to bringing each and every piece together perfectly.


Lassi Hurskainen Football Trick Shots - Smartphone Switch - Nokia Lumia 630 (Direct Link)


Finnish goalkeeper and Trick Shot master Lassi Hurskainen shows how to do a smartphone switch with a football.


Windows Phone Presents: Mountain Bike Sick Day (Direct Link)


This amazing display of mountain biking in the Pacific Northwest was captured entirely on the Nokia Lumia Icon.


