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Two important milestones made toward Visual Studio 2005 in the same week!!

A very important milestone was met last week.  It was not only an important goal for our team, but for our group, our devision, our organization, nay... even our company.  I speak of course of Kevin now being able to view all his issues on just one screen.  I'm talking specifically about our issue tracking system and result of the basic query “show me all things assigned to 'me'.”

There's a lot to be said for how important this is psychologically, especially if you were previously overflowing past a single screen.  You can interpret it in many ways, but all in all it just makes you feel good because it means that the end is in sight.  As long as your fix rate is exceeding the rate of incoming issues, then your screen will be getting more and more empty and eventually you'll be at the point where you can say “freeeeeeeeeeeeeedom!!”

I'm pretty happy because I just hit this point as well.  Of course, I did it the only way I knew how.  I assigned all the work I had over to Kevin.  That way we have the best of both worlds.  Kevin feels great 1 week ago, and now I feel great today.  Everyones' moral is high and I can take a vacation while Kevin tries to find someone else to get to do this work.  I'm reminded for some reason of The Lion King and the great circle of life.  But maybe that's because i'm kind of scruffy looking and live by the philosophy of Hakuna Matata.

The important thing to realize here is that we only stay happy if we don't get any more incoming issues.  If you get any of the community drop and you find issues with them, please don't file any bugs.  Each bug you do directly affects the happiness of a developer here.  You wouldn't want to be the cause of rampant depression would you?  I think I might need to put up a happiness meter.  If I'm in a blissful state, then you are permitted to file some problems you've found.  If i'm unhappy... well, I think you know what the right thing to do at that point is.
