New Article: Combine Output with Add-Member
If you've been using Windows PowerShell for a while, at least two or three days, you've probably stumbled across an interesting situation. Okay, you've probably stumbled across many interesting situations, but the one in particular we're talking about has to do with the output you get back when you run a cmdlet. It's just possible that you've run one cmdlet, looked at the output, run another cmdlet, looked at that output, then wondered how you can see all this output together. For example, suppose you run Get-CsUser to get back Lync Server 2010 user information, then you run Get-CsAdUser to get back different user information. How do you see all the information, from both cmdlets, in one nice clump of output?
Fortunately, Windows PowerShell comes with a cmdlet named Add-Member that helps us take care of this situation. We can use this cmdlet to clump together as much information as we want. Read the article Combine Output with Add-Member to find out how this works.
If you don't care how it works, but you want a lesson in art history (and you're not concerened with how factual the lesson is), you'll still want to take a look at this article.