Whiteboard video overview of the Microsoft hybrid cloud storage solution
Here's a whiteboard video I made introducing the Microsoft hybrid cloud storage solution. It's based on the technologies Microsoft acquired with StorSimple and their integration with Windows Azure Storage. Here's a link to our web page at Microsoft if you want to find out more.
January 01, 2003
There are many consumer-oriented cloud backup products. The video in this post is about enterprise storage integration with cloud storage. They really aren't similar. Readers may want to check out SkyDrive, which was reviewed recently in Ars Technica as implemented in Windows 8.1 at this URL: arstechnica.com/.../skydrive-in-windows-8-1-cloud-storage-the-way-its-meant-to-beAnonymous
January 01, 2003
Thanks Rob, The Sparkol tool is definitely cool. It limits you a bit graphically, but makes up for it with efficiency. Then there is always going to be a little bit of post work with an editor - just for fun!Anonymous
July 18, 2013
You should look into backup that's cloud storage. I've backed up over 500GB of files in it for free. MS offers nothing like that.Anonymous
August 08, 2013
Nice work with Sparkol, sir!Anonymous
June 09, 2014
There are many professional organizations that offer the consumer-oriented cloud backup products.the viedo of this post provied such a great informations about the cloudhttp://audiointhecloud.com/">online backup.Anonymous
June 25, 2014
I liked your post very much because it gives me most of the information. I was searching on web from many days. thecloudcomparison.netAnonymous
April 21, 2015
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