My Live Mesh Invite Arrived Today
Okay, another off-topic post. But, if you follow the chemical industry closer than you follow Microsoft you may not have seen some of the press announcements about Live Mesh. Take a look to learn about it. My first usage scenario in the tech preview is to synchronize all of my home files on my work and home computers. My wife and I usually email files around about projects, the soccer season and other items. It will be nice to have them in one spot and synchronized to every device.
- Anonymous
May 06, 2008
If you don't have anyone else(yeah right) to send one of your invites to I would very much appreciate the chance to get into the mesh beta. It is my understanding that if you invite me to view a folder I get an invite. Its definitely exciting to see the direction the MS is heading for the future. - Anonymous
May 07, 2008
Did you sign up? Mine only took a week or so to receive an invite. I'm not sure how they are rolling it out to new invitation requests, but hang in there for a bit to see if it arrives.