[podcast] Chatting about Virtualization with Jeff Woolsey
I carried along my Podcast recording device (M-Audio Microtrack 24/96) when I was down in Seattle for TechReady a while back. You never know who you can run into and if they will be willing to sit and have a chat about something or other.
One of the people I really wanted to talk to was Jeff Woolsey - a lead program manager on the Windows Server Virtualization team. He was the guy who did a wicked demo of Windows Server Virtualization during Bill Gates keynote. I tracked him down at a social event in-between frames (we were bowling at a bar called the garage) and asked if I could do a short podcast with him later in the week.
Rod, Christian and I made the trek up from downtown Seattle to building 40 on the Microsoft campus to sit and talk with Jeff around Virtualization. Here's the quick index of the podcast and the link for your listening pleasure.
00:00 - (all) - Intros
00:45 - (Rick) - Why should IT Pros and Developers care about virtualization?
02:15 - (Rick) - What sort of Management solutions should you have to manage both physical and virtual worlds?
04:38 - (Rod) - How does virtualization fit into the concept of Infrastructure Optimization?
06:12 - (Rick) - Are there benefits using virtualization to small and medium sized businesses?
08:20 - (Rick) - What sort of performance expectations should we have for virtualization using our current technology and where is it going in the future?
11:32 - (Rod) - What is the upper limit on resources with Windows Server Virtualization?
Link to Podcast (Length 13:01)
At the end of the podcast, I invite Jeff up to present at Energize IT in June in Toronto. I plan to hold him to his commitment so you'll get a chance to hear him talk first hand.
If you are interested in virtualization, you should listen to this podcast.
February 26, 2007
The Canadians have got the scoop. Jeff Woolsey from the Windows Server Virtualisation team has done aAnonymous
February 27, 2007
Bahhhh!!! Kleefy beat me to it . No point repeating what's already been said, so here's the snippet fromAnonymous
February 27, 2007
My Canadian colleague Rick Claus recorded a podcast with Jeff Woolsey Lead Program Manager for the VirtualizationAnonymous
March 01, 2007
A couple of my mates from Canada went to talk to Jeff Woolsey from the Virtualization team while we wereAnonymous
March 02, 2007
OK, now I am getting excited and I have to thank fellow IT Pro Advisor Arlindo Alves for finding thisAnonymous
March 03, 2007
One of the things that people argue about whenever we discuss "blogging smart" is when it is fitting