Use Perfmon to analyze your managed memory
You can learn all sorts of information about your application using Perfmon. You can also inspect various aspects of managed memory.
How much time is spent in garbage collection? When managed code runs, memory management is done for you, but at the cost of freezing your application while GC is doing its thing.
The sample code below creates many instances of a class called Big, which can hold a reference to another of the same class. If the instances of Big are linked together, they can’t be GC’d, til the end of the loop so the memory footprint is very different without the links.
Start VS 2010, File->New->Project->C#->Windows->WpfApplication,
Open the MainWindow.xaml.cs file, replace with the code below
Hit F5 to run.
Start Perfmon: Windows Key+R Perfmon
Click on Performance Monitor in tree on left.
By default, % Processor time is displayed in a graph
Click the big red X to delete it.
Click the big green + to bring up the Add Counters dialog to add some things to monitor
Click on “.NET CLR Memory” in the first listbox.
For Instances of selected object:, choose “WpfApplciation1.vshost” and then click “Add”, “OK”
These are the performance counters graphed on Windows 7:
# Bytes in all Heaps
# GC Handles
# Gen 0 Collections
# Gen 1 Collections
# Gen 2 Collections
# Induced GC
# of Pinned Objects
# of Sink Blocks in use
# Total committed Bytes
# Total reserved Bytes
% Time in GC
Allocated Bytes/sec
Finalization Survivors
Gen 0 heap size
Gen 0 Promoted Bytes/Sec
Gen 1 heap size
Gen 1 Promoted Bytes/Sec
Gen 2 heap size
Large Object Heap size
Process ID
Promoted Finalization-Memory from Gen 0
Promoted Memory from Gen 0
Promoted Memory from Gen 1
You can select various ones individually by clicking on the associated Show checkbox.
Try looking at these closely:
Gen 0 heap size
Gen 1 heap size
Gen 2 heap size
% Time in GC
MultiSelect a few and right click ->Scale selected counters if you like.
At one point (change the size of the Big array to 10000), I got 70% time in garbage collection! (The values in the Textboxes are not scaled, and it showed 47.)
Try commenting out the backlink line (ptrPrev assignment) or vary the size of Big and see the effect.
See also
Heartbeat: Garbage collection in VFP and .NET are similar
Use temporary projects in Visual Studio
PerfMon Sample: Demonstrates How to Monitor System Performance Using Performance Counters
Managed code using unmanaged memory: HeapCreate, Peek and Poke
<C# Code>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
namespace WpfApplication1
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
var root = new Big();
var ptrCurrent = root;
for (int j = 0; j < 30000; j++)
var big = new Big();
big.ptrPrev = ptrCurrent; // make them all link together so they can't be collected
ptrCurrent = big;
public class Big
public int[] data;
public Big ptrPrev; // backlink
public Big()
data = new int[1000];
</C# Code>
<VB Code>
Class MainWindow
Private Sub Window_Loaded(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Loaded
For i = 0 To 1000
Dim root = New Big()
Dim ptrCurrent = root
For j = 0 To 30000
Dim big = New Big()
big.ptrPrev = ptrCurrent ' make them all link together so they can't be collected
ptrCurrent = big
End Sub
Class Big
Dim data(1000) As Integer
Public ptrPrev As Big
End Class
End Class
</VB Code>
Thanks, Calvin
- Anonymous
April 02, 2013
The comment has been removed