WorkFlow (XAMLX) Service Activity with WCF Service in Windows Azure Websites
I have downloaded pre-built WCF-WF samples from the link here:
After unzipping the above sample collection, I have selected WFStockPriceApplication application which is located as below:
In VS2010, opening the application WFStockPriceApplication and set the XAMLX property “Copy to Output Directory” as “Copy Always” as below:
To expose my Work Flow Service activity (StockPriceService.xamlx) as WCF service, I have added one WCF Service GetStockPriceWCFService.svc, to this application and set Workflow Service Activity (StockPriceService.xamlx) in SVC Markup as below:
<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true" Service="StockPriceService.xamlx"
Build the service and verify that my StockPriceService.xamlx file is using “Copy Local” as true setting because it is in my final output folder as below:
Finally I can run and test the application locally with both StockPriceService.xamlx
...and with GetStockPriceWCFService.svc as below:
Now I can setup Windows Azure Website to use Git deployment method:
After opening GIT Bash windows, I walked all the way to my WFStockPriceApplication application folder and ran “git init” and “git add .” commands as below:
When I ran “git commit –m “initial commit” command I could verify that xamlx content is included into the list as below:
Finally I can call “git push azure master” to publish my project and check the deployment was successful.
Now, I can access the service and see that service is deployed correct and available:
In a test application I can also add this WCF service as Web References as below:
Keywords: Windows Azure, WCF, WorkFlow, Git, Websites
July 31, 2012
Avkash - thanks for this sample. Is it possible to extend this so the service points to a xamlx file in a referenced assembly? I like to keep my service implementation separate from the azure role. In regular WCF I achieve this by having a shell .svc file that simply inherits my service definition from a referenced assembly. Is there any way to do the same thing with a xamlx file?Anonymous
February 22, 2016
In workflow service(xamlx), Can I resume suspended instances? Pls help me on this