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Evangelism in academia - OwenBloggers

My good friend Sharran started b-school at Owen last year. Sharran's one of those people who you love to hate. He's always positive and optimistic and talking about how good the weather is (even when it's not) and is always looking at the positives (even when there aren't any). He's a self-proclaimed health-nut - that annoys me even more. But I love him (because I have to).

Anyhow, Sharran, being the go-getting annoyance that he is, decided to make a difference at Owen. I remember talking to him about what I do, and he loved the concept of technology evangelism. As soon as he got to Owen last year, he decided that he would do his best to promote Owen and help prospees understand what the school has to offer. So he took the "technology" out of "technology evangelism" and used some very typical technology evangelism practices (like blogging) to evangelize Owen. And man, I must say, not only has he done a splendid job, but he's getting amazing recognition from pretty much everyone for the work he's been doing. He's also helped the school get a lot more recognition.

Sharran tells me they have some "interesting" things in the pipeline - so I would keep an eye on owenbloggers.com. Congratulations to Sharran and the OwenBloggers team!


Technorati tags: owenbloggers, technology evangelism, academic evangelism, b-school, mba, owen, vanderbilt, sharran srivatsaa, gnote
