DS Forum: How to Disable SSLv2 on a Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Domain Controller
The DS forum post, Is it possible to disable SSLv2 on a Windows 2008 domain controller so that secure LDAP communication is forced to use SSLv3 or TLSv1?, has been consolidated into the following TechNet Wiki article:
A highlight from the article, yes it is possible to disable SSLv2 on a domain controller with a simple registry tweak.
Please look the article over and let us know what you think. You can edit the Wiki article directly or provide a comment stating what you think should be corrected. As always, your feedback is encouraged and greatly appreciated.
Davanand Bahall - MSFT
- Anonymous
July 18, 2012
Here is a product you can use if you don't want to mess with the registry directly:foundeo.com/.../iis-weak-ssl-ciphers