Reporting Value Sets
The Reporting service defines the following value sets.
Value Set | Description |
AccountPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the AccountPerformanceReportRequest. |
AccountStatusReportFilter | Defines the account status values that you can use to filter the report data. |
AdDistributionReportFilter | Defines the ad distribution medium values that you can use to filter the report data. |
AdDynamicTextPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the AdDynamicTextPerformanceReportRequest Data Object. |
AdExtensionByAdReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the AdExtensionByAdReportRequest. |
AdExtensionByKeywordReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the AdExtensionByKeywordReportRequest. |
AdExtensionDetailReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the AdExtensionDetailReportRequest. |
AdGroupPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the AdGroupPerformanceReportRequest. |
AdGroupStatusReportFilter | Defines the ad group status values that you can use to filter the report data. |
AdPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the AdPerformanceReportRequest. |
AdStatusReportFilter | Defines the ad status values that you can use to filter the report data. |
AdTypeReportFilter | Defines the ad type values that you can use to filter the report data. |
AgeGenderAudienceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the AgeGenderAudienceReportRequest. |
AppsPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the AppsPerformanceReportRequest. |
AssetGroupPerformanceReportColumn | Defines a value set for AssetGroupPerformanceReportColumn. |
AssetGroupStatusReportFilter | Defines the asset group status values that you can use to filter the report data. |
AssetPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the AssetPerformanceReportRequest. |
AudiencePerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the AudiencePerformanceReportRequest. |
BidMatchTypeReportFilter | Defines the bid match type values that you can use to filter the report data. |
BidStrategyTypeReportFilter | Defines the possible values that you can use to use to filter the report data by bid strategy type. |
BudgetSummaryReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the BudgetSummaryReportRequest. |
CallDetailReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the CallDetailReportRequest. |
CampaignPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the CampaignPerformanceReportRequest. |
CampaignStatusReportFilter | Defines the campaign status values that you can use to filter the report data. |
CampaignTypeReportFilter | Defines the campaign types by which you can filter the report data. |
CategoryClickCoverageReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the CategoryClickCoverageReportColumn. |
CategoryInsightsReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the CategoryInsightsReportColumn. |
ChangeEntityReportFilter | Defines the types of entities by which you can filter the report data. |
ChangeTypeReportFilter | Defines the types of changes to entities by which you can filter the report data. |
CombinationPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the CombinationPerformanceReportRequest. |
ConversionPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the ConversionPerformanceReportRequest. |
DeliveredMatchTypeReportFilter | Defines the delivered match type values that you can use to filter the report data. |
DestinationUrlPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the DestinationUrlPerformanceReportRequest. |
DeviceOSReportFilter | Defines the device operating system values that you can use to filter the report data. |
DeviceTypeReportFilter | Defines the device type values that you can use to filter the report data. |
DSAAutoTargetPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the DSAAutoTargetPerformanceReportRequest. |
DSACategoryPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the DSACategoryPerformanceReportRequest. |
DSASearchQueryPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the DSASearchQueryPerformanceReportRequest. |
DynamicAdTargetStatusReportFilter | Defines the dynamic ad target status values that you can use to filter the report data. |
GeographicPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the GeographicPerformanceReportRequest. |
GoalsAndFunnelsReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the GoalsAndFunnelsReportRequest. |
HotelDimensionPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the HotelDimensionPerformanceReportRequest. |
HotelGroupPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the HotelGroupPerformanceReportRequest. |
KeywordPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the KeywordPerformanceReportRequest. |
KeywordStatusReportFilter | Defines the keyword status values that you can use to filter the report data. |
LanguageReportFilter | Defines the language values that you can use to filter the report data. |
NegativeKeywordConflictReportColumn | Defines the attributes columns that you can include in the NegativeKeywordConflictReportRequest. |
ProductDimensionPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the ProductDimensionPerformanceReportRequest. |
ProductMatchCountReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the ProductMatchCountReportRequest. |
ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportColumn | Defines the attributes columns that you can include in the ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportRequest. |
ProductPartitionPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the ProductPartitionPerformanceReportRequest. |
ProductPartitionUnitPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the ProductPartitionUnitPerformanceReportRequest. |
ProductSearchQueryPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the ProductSearchQueryPerformanceReportRequest. |
ProfessionalDemographicsAudienceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the ProfessionalDemographicsAudienceReportRequest. |
PublisherUsagePerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the PublisherUsagePerformanceReportRequest. |
ReportAggregation | Defines the aggregation values that you can use for a report. |
ReportFormat | Defines the file formats that you can use for a report. |
ReportRequestStatusType | Defines the status of a report. |
ReportTimePeriod | Defines the predefined time and date range values for a report request. |
ReportTimeZone | Defines possible values for the time zone that you want the Reporting service to use for the selected date range. |
SearchCampaignChangeHistoryReportColumn | Defines the attribute columns that you can include in the SearchCampaignChangeHistoryReportRequest. |
SearchInsightPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the SearcyhInsightPerformanceReportRequest. |
SearchQueryPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the SearchQueryPerformanceReportRequest. |
ShareOfVoiceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the ShareOfVoiceReportRequest. |
SortOrder | Defines the ascending or descending sort order of values within the specified report column. |
UserLocationPerformanceReportColumn | Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the UserLocationPerformanceReportRequest. |