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CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendation Service Operation - Campaign Management

Create a responsive search ad recommendation.

Request Elements

The CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationRequest object defines the body and header elements of the service operation request. The elements must be in the same order as shown in the Request SOAP.


Unless otherwise noted below, all request elements are required.

Request Body Elements

Element Description Data Type
FinalUrls Reserved. string array
Prompt Reserved. string
TextTone Reserved. AdRecommendationTextTone

Request Header Elements

Element Description Data Type
AuthenticationToken The OAuth access token that represents the credentials of a user who has permissions to Microsoft Advertising accounts.

For more information see Authentication with OAuth.
CustomerAccountId The identifier of the ad account that owns or is associated with the entities in the request. This header element must have the same value as the AccountId body element when both are required. This element is required for most service operations, and as a best practice you should always set it.

For more information see Get Your Account and Customer IDs.
CustomerId The identifier of the manager account (customer) the user is accessing or operating from. A user can have access to multiple manager accounts. This element is required for most service operations, and as a best practice you should always set it.

For more information see Get Your Account and Customer IDs.
DeveloperToken The developer token used to access the Bing Ads API.

For more information see Get a Developer Token.
Password This element is reserved for internal use and will be removed from a future version of the API. You must use the AuthenticationToken element to set user credentials. string
UserName This element is reserved for internal use and will be removed from a future version of the API. You must use the AuthenticationToken element to set user credentials. string

Response Elements

The CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationResponse object defines the body and header elements of the service operation response. The elements are returned in the same order as shown in the Response SOAP.

Response Body Elements

Element Description Data Type
ResponsiveSearchAd Reserved. ResponsiveSearchAd

Response Header Elements

Element Description Data Type
TrackingId The identifier of the log entry that contains the details of the API call. string

Request SOAP

This template was generated by a tool to show the order of the body and header elements for the SOAP request. For supported types that you can use with this service operation, see the Request Body Elements reference above.

<s:Envelope xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
  <s:Header xmlns="https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13">
    <Action mustUnderstand="1">CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendation</Action>
    <AuthenticationToken i:nil="false">ValueHere</AuthenticationToken>
    <CustomerAccountId i:nil="false">ValueHere</CustomerAccountId>
    <CustomerId i:nil="false">ValueHere</CustomerId>
    <DeveloperToken i:nil="false">ValueHere</DeveloperToken>
    <CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationRequest xmlns="https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13">
      <FinalUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">
      <Prompt i:nil="false">ValueHere</Prompt>
      <TextTone i:nil="false">ValueHere</TextTone>

Response SOAP

This template was generated by a tool to show the order of the body and header elements for the SOAP response.

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
  <s:Header xmlns="https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13">
    <TrackingId d3p1:nil="false" xmlns:d3p1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">ValueHere</TrackingId>
    <CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationResponse xmlns="https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13">
      <ResponsiveSearchAd d4p1:nil="false" xmlns:d4p1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
        <Descriptions d4p1:nil="false">
            <Asset d4p1:nil="false" d4p1:type="-- derived type specified here with the appropriate prefix --">
              <Id d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Id>
              <Name d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Name>
              <Type d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Type>
              <!--This field is applicable if the derived type attribute is set to TextAsset-->
              <Text d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Text>
              <!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to ImageAsset-->
              <CropHeight d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropHeight>
              <CropWidth d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropWidth>
              <CropX d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropX>
              <CropY d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropY>
              <SubType d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</SubType>
              <TargetHeight d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</TargetHeight>
              <TargetWidth d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</TargetWidth>
              <!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to VideoAsset-->
              <SubType d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</SubType>
              <ThumbnailImage d4p1:nil="false">
                <CropHeight d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropHeight>
                <CropWidth d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropWidth>
                <CropX d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropX>
                <CropY d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropY>
                <SubType d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</SubType>
                <TargetHeight d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</TargetHeight>
                <TargetWidth d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</TargetWidth>
            <AssetPerformanceLabel d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</AssetPerformanceLabel>
            <EditorialStatus d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</EditorialStatus>
            <PinnedField d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</PinnedField>
        <Domain d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Domain>
        <Headlines d4p1:nil="false">
            <Asset d4p1:nil="false" d4p1:type="-- derived type specified here with the appropriate prefix --">
              <Id d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Id>
              <Name d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Name>
              <Type d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Type>
              <!--This field is applicable if the derived type attribute is set to TextAsset-->
              <Text d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Text>
              <!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to ImageAsset-->
              <CropHeight d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropHeight>
              <CropWidth d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropWidth>
              <CropX d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropX>
              <CropY d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropY>
              <SubType d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</SubType>
              <TargetHeight d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</TargetHeight>
              <TargetWidth d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</TargetWidth>
              <!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to VideoAsset-->
              <SubType d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</SubType>
              <ThumbnailImage d4p1:nil="false">
                <CropHeight d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropHeight>
                <CropWidth d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropWidth>
                <CropX d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropX>
                <CropY d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</CropY>
                <SubType d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</SubType>
                <TargetHeight d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</TargetHeight>
                <TargetWidth d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</TargetWidth>
            <AssetPerformanceLabel d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</AssetPerformanceLabel>
            <EditorialStatus d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</EditorialStatus>
            <PinnedField d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</PinnedField>
        <Path1 d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Path1>
        <Path2 d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Path2>

Code Syntax

The example syntax can be used with Bing Ads SDKs. See Bing Ads API Code Examples for more examples.

public async Task<CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationResponse> CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationAsync(
	IList<string> finalUrls,
	string prompt,
	AdRecommendationTextTone? textTone)
	var request = new CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationRequest
		FinalUrls = finalUrls,
		Prompt = prompt,
		TextTone = textTone

	return (await CampaignManagementService.CallAsync((s, r) => s.CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationAsync(r), request));
static CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationResponse createResponsiveSearchAdRecommendation(
	ArrayOfstring finalUrls,
	java.lang.String prompt,
	AdRecommendationTextTone textTone) throws RemoteException, Exception
	CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationRequest request = new CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationRequest();


	return CampaignManagementService.getService().createResponsiveSearchAdRecommendation(request);
static function CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendation(

	$GLOBALS['Proxy'] = $GLOBALS['CampaignManagementProxy'];

	$request = new CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationRequest();

	$request->FinalUrls = $finalUrls;
	$request->Prompt = $prompt;
	$request->TextTone = $textTone;

	return $GLOBALS['CampaignManagementProxy']->GetService()->CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendation($request);


Service: CampaignManagementService.svc v13
Namespace: https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13

Request Url


Request Elements

The CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationRequest object defines the body and header elements of the service operation request.


Unless otherwise noted below, all request elements are required.

Request Body Elements

Element Description Data Type
FinalUrls Reserved. string array
Prompt Reserved. string
TextTone Reserved. AdRecommendationTextTone

Request Header Elements

Element Description Data Type
Authorization The OAuth access token that represents the credentials of a user who has permissions to Microsoft Advertising accounts. Please ensure that the token is prefixed with "Bearer ", this is necessary for proper authentication.

For more information see Authentication with OAuth.
CustomerAccountId The identifier of the ad account that owns or is associated with the entities in the request. This header element must have the same value as the AccountId body element when both are required. This element is required for most service operations, and as a best practice you should always set it.

For more information see Get Your Account and Customer IDs.
CustomerId The identifier of the manager account (customer) the user is accessing or operating from. A user can have access to multiple manager accounts. This element is required for most service operations, and as a best practice you should always set it.

For more information see Get Your Account and Customer IDs.
DeveloperToken The developer token used to access the Bing Ads API.

For more information see Get a Developer Token.
Password This element is reserved for internal use and will be removed from a future version of the API. You must use the AuthenticationToken element to set user credentials. string
UserName This element is reserved for internal use and will be removed from a future version of the API. You must use the AuthenticationToken element to set user credentials. string

Response Elements

The CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationResponse object defines the body and header elements of the service operation response. The elements are returned in the same order as shown in the Response JSON.

Response Body Elements

Element Description Data Type
ResponsiveSearchAd Reserved. ResponsiveSearchAd

Response Header Elements

Element Description Data Type
TrackingId The identifier of the log entry that contains the details of the API call. string

Request JSON

This template was generated by a tool to show the body and header elements for the JSON request. For supported types that you can use with this service operation, see the Request Body Elements reference above.

  "FinalUrls": [
  "Prompt": "ValueHere",
  "TextTone": "ValueHere"

Response JSON

This template was generated by a tool to show the body and header elements for the JSON response.

Below is an example that is applicable if the type of Asset is ImageAsset.

  "ResponsiveSearchAd": {
    "Descriptions": [
        "Asset": {
          "Id": "LongValueHere",
          "Name": "ValueHere",
          "Type": "ImageAsset",
          "CropHeight": IntValueHere,
          "CropWidth": IntValueHere,
          "CropX": IntValueHere,
          "CropY": IntValueHere,
          "SubType": "ValueHere",
          "TargetHeight": IntValueHere,
          "TargetWidth": IntValueHere
        "AssetPerformanceLabel": "ValueHere",
        "EditorialStatus": "ValueHere",
        "PinnedField": "ValueHere"
    "Domain": "ValueHere",
    "Headlines": [
        "Asset": {
          "Id": "LongValueHere",
          "Name": "ValueHere",
          "Type": "ImageAsset",
          "CropHeight": IntValueHere,
          "CropWidth": IntValueHere,
          "CropX": IntValueHere,
          "CropY": IntValueHere,
          "SubType": "ValueHere",
          "TargetHeight": IntValueHere,
          "TargetWidth": IntValueHere
        "AssetPerformanceLabel": "ValueHere",
        "EditorialStatus": "ValueHere",
        "PinnedField": "ValueHere"
    "Path1": "ValueHere",
    "Path2": "ValueHere"

Code Syntax

To call REST API through SDKs, you need to upgrade SDK to a certain version and configure the system parameters.The example syntax can be used with Bing Ads SDKs. See Bing Ads API Code Examples for more examples.

public async Task<CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationResponse> CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationAsync(
	IList<string> finalUrls,
	string prompt,
	AdRecommendationTextTone? textTone)
	var request = new CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationRequest
		FinalUrls = finalUrls,
		Prompt = prompt,
		TextTone = textTone

	return (await CampaignManagementService.CallAsync((s, r) => s.CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationAsync(r), request));
static CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationResponse createResponsiveSearchAdRecommendation(
	ArrayOfstring finalUrls,
	java.lang.String prompt,
	AdRecommendationTextTone textTone) throws RemoteException, Exception
	CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationRequest request = new CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationRequest();


	return CampaignManagementService.getService().createResponsiveSearchAdRecommendation(request);
static function CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendation(

	$GLOBALS['Proxy'] = $GLOBALS['CampaignManagementProxy'];

	$request = new CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendationRequest();

	$request->FinalUrls = $finalUrls;
	$request->Prompt = $prompt;
	$request->TextTone = $textTone;

	return $GLOBALS['CampaignManagementProxy']->GetService()->CreateResponsiveSearchAdRecommendation($request);