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Generating A Restore Set

A restore set is a list of all files to be restored and the locations to which they will be restored.

As when generating the backup file list (see Generating A Backup Set), an algorithm for determining which files to restore and where to restore them must proceed writer instance by writer instance, and on a component-by-component basis for each writer instance.

It is necessary to associate each file on the backup media with the component that managed it. It is also necessary to obtain the managing component's restore method, and the file's restore target information, and its alternate location mappings (if any).

Some files may also require partial files operations or directed targets for restore.

By examining the components' selectability for backup and logical paths (see Working with Selectability and Logical Paths), a requester is able to determine the component structure of the backup operation it is going to restore.

With the component structure of the backup established, the requester can get each component's file set information (file specification, path, and recursion flag). A requester can then generate a restore set.

Files requiring partial files, or directed targets provide their own detailed restoration instructions (see Non-Default Backup and Restore Locations), which can then be added to the restore set.

A typical mechanism for generating a restore set for files not involved with partial files operations, or directed targets might proceed by doing the following:

  1. Obtain a list of files on the backup media, including their original paths.

  2. Identify the writer class and component for each file on the backup media by doing the following:

  3. Obtain alternate mapping information for each file on the backup media:

  4. With this file and component information, the Backup Components Document can be queried to obtain information about restore targets, options, and new restore locations for each file. This information can be combined with the list of files, components, and alternate locations.

  5. Files not protected by writers can be selected in a manner consistent with traditional restore operations.

At this point, a requester should have a list of all the files it needs to restore, along with instructions about how to restore them, and can begin restoring files on the basis of:

  • Whether alternate location mappings, or the original file location is to be used as the target for the restore will depend on the presence or absence of a file at that target location and component settings of VSS_RESTORE_TARGET and VSS_RESTOREMETHOD_ENUM (see Non-Default Backup and Restore Locations).
  • Whether an attempt at restoration succeeds will depend on issues such as the access permissions of the target, if target files are locked, and other conventional issues involved in file restoration.
  • The success or failure of restoring a given component for a given writer instance should be preserved in the Backup Components Document by calling IVssBackupComponents::SetFileRestoreStatus. This will make the information accessible to writers when they process the PostRestore event.
  • If a file is restored to an alternate location mapping, the requester must call IVssBackupComponents::AddAlternativeLocationMapping. This will allow writers to determine whether their files have been restored to alternate locations through the IVssComponent::GetAlternateLocationMapping.
  • Requesters may find it desirable to restore files to completely new locations. This is acceptable, but the requester must indicate this to the writer by using the IVssBackupComponents::AddNewTarget method.