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The ALL BITWISE and SOME BITWISE keywords are used for testing the bits in an integral type. If all of the set bits in a property match the mask, ALL BITWISE is true. If at least one of the set bits in a property matches the mask, SOME BITWISE is true.

Operators can be applied to both scalar (single-value) properties and vector (multiple-value) properties. The following code example shows how to test property values with ALL BITWISE and SOME BITWISE.

ALL array ALL BITWISE [values?]
ALL array SOME BITWISE [values?]

Comparison Operators

The supported comparison operators for BITWISE tests are listed in the following table.

Comparison operator Description
= Equal to
!= or <> Not equal to


The logic of BITWISE tests is listed in the following table.

BITWISE test and comparison operator Logic
= ALL BITWISE Property & Mask = Mask
= SOME BITWISE Property & Mask != 0
<> ALL BITWISE Property & Mask != Mask
<> SOME BITWISE Property & Mask = 0


The following truth table uses example binary and hex values to demonstrate the logic of BITWISE tests.

Property in binary (hex) Mask in binary (hex) Property & Mask = binary (hex) = SOME BITWISE = ALL BITWISE
0001 (0x1) 0001 (0x1) 0001 (0x1) True True
0001 (0x1) 0011 (0x3) 0001 (0x1) True False
0011 (0x3) 0001 (0x1) 0001 (0x1) True True
0010 (0x2) 0001 (0x1) 0000 (0x0) False False
11110000 (0xF0) 00000011 (0x03) 00000000 (0x00) False False
11110010 (0xF2) 11110010 (0xF2) 11110010 (0xF2) True True
11110010 (0xF2) 00000011 (0x03) 00000010 (0x02) True False



The following is an example of the ALL BITWISE predicate.

Select system.itemnamedisplay, system.FileAttributes from SystemIndex Where System.FileAttributes <> ALL BITWISE 0x4 AND Scope = 'file:c:\bitwise'


Full-Text Predicates

Non-Full-Text Predicates